False Prophets, part III



Do you cultivate love as the main essence of your existence? What could defeat a tyranny? Does life continue by decomposing matter? "Necromancy or mediumship?", would we contaminate ourselves by incomprehension?

Would we wait for death to live our born essence, our virtues without commas so few masks?

When tomorrow does not come?




Do you even doubt the existence of a supreme being, above all human consciousness?

Or if eloquently, are we devotees of the republic, or of world union?

Would we await this carnival, simply by the will of the flesh, or of bohemia?

Or if on the virtue of the simple Master we doubt, millennia ago was crucified,

And do we doubt?


The dice have already rolled, you are damnation and salvation.

We are not humans, we are individual consciousness intertwined with others,

We are souls that interconnect to the other plane, we are spirits coming from Paradise.


If in doubt we raise knowledge, we would not expect a passive explanation,

We would become active in search of knowledge, in search of Truth, 

in search of God.


If in uncertainty, we are uncertain certainties for tomorrow, we are living beings,

Receiver of the Holy Spirit, for those who let themselves be transformed into vessels,

To overflow the Supreme Virtue of the Divine.


Conception acquired through intuition, in the fact of being observant and for carrying doubt into existence, but you know the correct path beforehand, before the internal adventure in external projection. Would we be arrogant to the point of being in this life only to acquire gold, or are we devotees of Christ in search of his holy understanding, in search of his holy teachings, if we are here on Earth in the planet that the Supreme One stepped on, leaving his legacy where we also step on, would we have to reject people by virtue of our principles, when they are to change, if in the adventure of tomorrow, not yet written, we already live your anguishes, in an anticipated way, paralyzing us, then we would know that in tomorrow, he already dwells there, for his virtue is a chimera, and who on high observed the presentation of angelic musicality, we would also know that those are in the Kingdoms of Heaven, next to God, you can not fear any evil that comes to haunt you, you have witnessed Divine Synesthesia, the closest sensation, between body, spirit, going by virtues such as time, morality, intellectuality, energy of the individual conscience of those who inhabit the High or the lower orbs, also known as conscious energy, the Sealed Thinking, which in the cannibal battle of men broke the involucre, today man returns to his individuality, in thinking, without transmuting energy to the neighbor through the spirit mind, so sealed the Supreme, when he realized that the battle would reach a level of instauration of Hell on Earth, immediately after, the Monster that would become Telepathic, had been killed, imprisoned the energy in a sphere of neutral energy and transported to another planet, the individuality of thought returned, the control of human thought had been defeated.

To the dead


Those who have already had their life passage on the planet, what conclusion had reached to this decadent doldrums of pessimistic and opportunistic people, the existential hindrance in the human being, by decades of industrial exploitation, the immersion in the world of wisdom is the caveat for glorious times, those who have already been and still insist on inhabiting the spheres of the material plane, would simply be a tormented soul, a materialized body, in dissonance with the angelic chords, those who warn us dangerously, about a simple vanity, were those who were in repetitive mistakes in the tartarus of hope, stole the angelic smile, but wished that the gods had been killed, by an Archangel in the plane where we can only reach by abstraction, there the gods were killed, by a God Warrior, who had his life of capital and sentimental renunciation, for the sake of the unanimous knowledge of the uncertainties that he sought to materialize into certainties, it was the reverie of progeny, in the midst of the jungle of stones, where many humans died, the girl of simple recondite, orchestrated a romanesque betrayal, in a scenario of Chaos, where it had been said between the lines, that the world in a dark period would enter, not only the death that came knocking at the door, but they rose up against this Warrior, who dueled in the primordial hindrances, in the holy task, that his wounds were cleansed, and those who live by bets, suffered severely, to have their voices heard in a society repressed for their altruism.


The tombs were opened, likewise the locks of the eyes removed

We no longer had the heavenly beauty within our reach,

We were the printed vote, of the graduated woman, that the voice of the people

Clamored, called out


But revelation had not pierced her roots,

Which she had denied, in a soft kiss,

In the new year, on the icy cheek

Of the corpse

Two years after, to go to paradise 

in a mind-warp fugue

Today the holy war began

For all the codifications had been deciphered

and men would have to purge

their mistakes

in the pessimistic consciousness



Today between modest lines,

Gold has knocked on the door

along with immortality

and uncertainties,

out for seeking certainties




It would be eternal, this moment in which you find imaginative, in search of solutions to internal and external conflicts.


Life is a breath,

as brief and momentary

as an inspiration of ideas



we could destroy the senate,

we could go to fight against the gods,

we could be pagans,

paying convenience

on the next expedition


But we are honorable


who had their breath of life


to universal heights,


And on the heights of this battle,

a celestial being

coming from the future,

in robes

clothed in silver,


He was the holy Warrior

and the last battle

in a lapse of time


While in his mind

he projected the virtue of a god



It was the corporate overlords

hiring one more person

killing in the dead of providence,


The stars observed,

and today they give you the answer


I was looking for a whore's kiss, or even who knows, a driving force to give an impulse and remove the president from power, so belligerent and so expressionless to represent, that I had lost myself among the beautiful legs with the smell of honey, where the immortals drank from the untiring fountain of knowledge, I wanted the whore's kiss, I wanted to renounce the president, but many said, be calm, trust us, and my inner self, the core is awakened, how can I credit faith to others, if men cannot be a parameter of trust, canine love is what I wanted, but her kisses were not an animal torpor, the will that grew when her expression appeared on the horizon was animalistic. Irradiating along with the sun's rays.




Reinaldo Lopes, a man of integrity and good behavior, preached the Holy Word every Sunday and Wednesday in the church he had built with much effort, with glory, while a childhood friend of his, in a short time achieved an empire through extortion of the faithful, promising products that would smell of paradise, but who took advantage of it was João Clóvis, He did not want to preside over or even share the little he had, the unrestricted and halter knowledge, while Lopes read the Bible over the matter, he threshed his brains out again, raised concepts, used dialogues, created monologues in order to feel the Spirit of Truth in his conscience, and thus be able to transmit it.

Letter to the Dogmas


I- Praiseworthy is our essence in its purity, everything that is distorted is vanity.


What praises us? What would defeat us? We know the Divine will, when in the first moments of an action comes the conscience in its intuition form, the way we should follow, but another way presents itself, as well as another, until we take our attitude, would it be convenient, to live in a scientific backing where not even they themselves have all the answers, even living in the space age of races in the universe in favor of conquering stars, a dispute between nations also from the same planet that provides the knowledge, would the knowledge be a knife with two cuts, or by simple vanity, we leave our purposes aside.


II- Praise the one who praises


All those who wish, in their infinity with the Divine, to have glory, have to prostrate themselves to existence, their insignificance before the Supreme, also conclude that you are a warrior at His service, an eternal creature, molded to the wills of the Sovereign, so if you wish to be Praised in Glory, praise the Lord.

III- Eternal Glory is the way


To eternalize together with the Divine, in its metaphorical figure or in the perpetuity of your consciousness, even the one who sleeps observes the world in another way, more spiritualized, the same spirit that wanders in a dream, has to uproot itself from matter to reach higher flights in the divine realm, it would not be simple vanity, to evolve at every instant, whether by aptitude, or even by feeling a failure, and around you there are only pessimistic people who grumble about your life, complain constantly, and in your link is patience, a wise virtue, along with kindness, which made you plant good fruits, today you harvest all the fruits you have conquered, expand the immensity of the divine gifts that you were given to exist, observe everything again and feel simple, but at every moment connected to a Celestial Perfection that supports the mantle of the universe the same that holds the Sun, the Earth and other stars, would not be a universal God and humanity just a test of the supreme consciousness, if it is allowed in a single instant everything stops existing, the eternal Glory is the only way we have to follow, hold on to the Christian teachings, evolve your attitude even in the field of citizenship, become a companion, friend, father or mother, better every moment, Even if in the corruptibility of feeling love, in the awakening of hate, we will know that it also comes from love, the Love that glorifies, not that love that suffocates, hate separates from love when good is no longer present in the heart, and feelings in our mind the awakening of the Emotional Deity, speaking to the heart, protecting the rational, all tied to the holy Divine link, and we will know that Glory was always the way.


The Defeat of the Evil One


He was arrested, chained, all the evil that existed on Earth is imprisoned, it is said that the world lies in the hands of the evil one, today it is in regeneration, men are treading different paths from the ones we used to know, of greed, envy, pride, arrogance, they were alienated people in front of a television set who formed their false opinions as malleable as the support of the media.


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