Fenek animal - the long-eared chanterelle

You can start the description of the Fenech with the unusual appearance of this animal. The Fenech looks very miniature and is no bigger in size than an ordinary domestic cat. Its body length is 30-40 cm, with a height at the withers of no more than 25 cm and a tail length of about 30 cm. The fenek weighs about 1.5 kilograms. Fenek looks charming, he has a very cute pointed muzzle, big black eyes and just huge ears.

By the way, the ears of the Fenek reach up to 15 cm in length and are the biggest among other carnivores in relation to the size of the head. The phenek needs such large ears to hunt successfully. They allow catching the slightest rustle in the sand and unmistakably recognize the movement of prey. In addition, the big ears of the Fenek help it better cool its body during the heat of the day. The body of this desert fox is adapted to the hot climate. The fennec animal has no problem navigating hot sand thanks to the abundant fur on its feet. Despite its adorable appearance, the fennec is a predatory animal.

It has sharp teeth, small fangs, and strong claws. The fennec's description identifies it to the Dog family, but it has almost nothing in common with wolves or dogs. The fennec fox is the owner of thick and soft fur, however, like its more common relative, the common fox. Usually the fenek animal has a light red color, on the abdomen the fur is almost white. The tail of the animal is fluffy and colored black at the end. Young individuals look lighter and have an almost white coat color, which reddens with age. Where does the fennec live and how? The fennec lives in the deserts of North Africa. The largest number of individuals live in the central Sahara. The fennec fox also lives in the Sinai and Arabian Peninsulas, northern Morocco, Sudan, Chad, and Niger. The fennec fox lives in sandy deserts, preferring to stay close to thickets of grass or shrubs. Such conditions provide shelter and food. Fenek lives in burrows. During the night he can dig a burrow five meters deep. Fenek burrows have many different passages and several emergency exits. Only badgers may compete with them in burrow construction; they are capable of building entire underground cities. Sometimes little foxes make dwellings in rock gorges and caves. Fenek is a social animal that lives in family groups of up to 10 individuals. Such groups usually consist of a male and a female, their immature offspring, and several adult children. Young Feneks often help raise new offspring.

It happens that several families join together and live together in the same den. The fenek is a very sociable and noisy animal that makes many different sounds. Feneks can howl, whine, bark, and even grunt. The fennec animal is very fast, active, and nimble. These fennecks, despite their small stature, can perfectly jump almost 1 meter in both height and length. The fennec fox has excellent hearing, good night vision and a well-developed sense of smell. The fennec's coloring allows it to blend into the landscape and remain unnoticed by both predators and prey. The fennec fox is usually nocturnal. The exact number of fenecks is unknown. Because of their fur, these animals are often hunted. In addition, they are quite often captured for sale as pets. Also, it has not yet been determined which predators are dangerous to the fennec.


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