First race car racing Mercedes

The best advertising for a car is to win races. And for that you need special cars. One of the first race cars was the Mercedes. It was ordered to Daimler by Emil Jellinek, an Austrian entrepreneur. He was engaged in the sale of Daimler cars and was fond of racing, and the first race car built specifically for him, named after his daughter Mercedes. Not only that, he himself took part in the races under the pseudonym "Monsieur Mercedes. At Jellinek's request, a number of technical improvements were made to the car. For example, he demanded that the car developed a speed unheard of at the time - 40 km / h!

Первый гоночный «Мерседес»

In 1899, another race was held in the French city of Nice. A gentleman with a mysterious name in a hitherto unseen car won the grand prize. After that the popularity of the brand increased. Jellinek managed to sell 36 cars during a year. That was almost all produced by Daimler.


In 1902 Jellinek registered the "Mercedes" trademark to trade in Daimler cars. By that time the Mercedes was already speeding up to 90 km/h, and there was a line for them for several years to come.

Эмблема «Мерседеса»

The emblem of Mercedes is a three-beam star. It was first depicted in 1880. Gottlieb Daimler. The star symbolizes success on the ear, water and air. Next to it, Daimler signed: "The star will rise and bless us and our children.

Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost

In 1904 English engineer H. Royce and racer C. Rolls created their own automobile company. They decided to build only expensive comfortable and high-speed cars. Thus in 1906 the famous "Silver Ghost" was born. The maximum speed of this monster was 105 km/h. This car was advantageously different from other cars. It was soft, comfortable and, most importantly, worked silently! Contemporaries compared the work of the motor of this car to the chirping of a sewing machine. During the tests this car passed as much as 24 thousand km and never broke down! It was unbelievable reliability! Of course, this car was the winner of all races in which it took part.первый Роллс-Ройс

Since 1911, a flying lady figurine has been mounted on the radiator of the Silver Ghosts. For many years, all the figurines were made and polished by hand.


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