Five eco-friendly products that we can use in daily life

The term eco-friendly denotes something that is friendly to the environment or give positive benefits to the environment, Nowadays eco friendly is much needed for protection of Earth Environment

 Excess use of none eco friendly products started destroying the nature such as Plastic or any harmful chemicals In various ways some of its affect are Marine Life degradation , Toxicity of land
Marine Life degradation
Marine Life degradation is serious problem nowadays cause by humans due to excess use of non eco-friendly products such as Plastic or any  chemical waste with affect Marine creatures like fishes,Crustacean,Coleoidea Started Extincting
Toxicity of land 
Due to excess Use of Non eco-friendly products and throwing of non eco-friendly products(plastic) or chemicals waste on land it become infertile and unusable for agricultural and ground water become undrinkable
But good things is that there is a way by with we can we save environment by discarding non eco-friendly products such as plastic or chemicals products
Some of the eco friendly products that we can use to save environment are 
Reusable bags
Bambo bag are the perfect bag of everyday life and can be reusable and biodegradable these bag can support heavyweight without breaking or losing shape
Paper cutlery/leaves cutlery
Paper or leave cutlery are made from areca plant leaves or dry sheets betel nuts tree which is 100% biodegradable 
Eco friendly cloth
Clothes made from natural fabrics such as cotton or silk with is 100% biodegradable and doesn't affect on Environment
Eco-friendly notebook
Re usable notebook is one of the latest environmental friendly products which can be erasable and be used again 
Natural dye
Natural dye are dye with is made from natural things and derived from plants or minerals and dyes are mostly made from vegetables and plants sources such as beetroot,berries,bark, leaves and woods
The term eco-friendly means environment friendly that doesn't mean 100% eco friendly products are biodegradable some are environment friendly or doesn't give negative impact on environment such as solar car or heater 
But here is some eco-friendly biodegradable products that i mentioned above which is 100% eco-friendly and biodegradable and help in protecting natural environment


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