Folk ways to treat colds

Folk ways to treat colds
Autumn, the season of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. When we or our loved ones fall ill, it is very unpleasant, and we want to get rid of an unpleasant illness as quickly as possible. 
 Most people when feeling sick go to the doctor, but there are those who prefer to treat themselves with a variety of folk remedies.
 There is a perception that the treatment of influenza or other acute respiratory infections with different infusions or decoctions of herbs, even if it does not bring the desired effect, it certainly can not harm your health. However, this opinion is wrong. Many plants or plant gatherings have a very strong therapeutic effect, sometimes even stronger than the drug of synthetic origin in the form of tablets or pellets. 
Therefore, treatment with folk remedies can both relieve your condition when you have a cold and cause serious harm to your health. 
To cure folk remedies brought the desired effect, you should adhere to the following rules: 
1. Whatever method of treatment with folk remedies you have not chosen, whether it is a treatment with infusions or decoctions, rubbing various ointments or inhalation of various herbs and oils, you must remember the main thing - first you need to consult a doctor, and then start treatment with folk remedies.
Indeed, unfortunately, not uncommonly, when the disease on the advice of friends or after reading on the Internet about the effective way to treat colds by traditional means, not taking into account the peculiarities of your body and the side effects of folk remedies, ends up in a hospital bed.
2. If your doctor has approved the use of folk remedies for colds, do not exceed the recommended dosage or frequency of administration.
If during the treatment of the disease with folk remedies your condition worsened, you should immediately stop taking this remedy.
As a rule, with uncomplicated colds, you can use general strengthening folk remedies such as:
Tea or decoction of chamomile. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, and in combination with lime and natural honey is a good remedy for colds. You can also add cranberries or lemon to a chamomile decoction or tea.
Ginger root tea. Ginger root is rich in vitamins and micronutrients, as well as has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.
Have a little bit of dried fruit. This vitamin remedy for colds, also has a tonic effect. For uzvar good dried apples, pears, plums, apricots, cherries and strawberries.
Infusion of rose hips. Infusion of rosehip fruits - a well-known auxiliary remedy for colds.
If desired, you can add honey to such an infusion.
If the body temperature is not elevated, the general condition with a runny nose and cough can be relieved by inhalation with eucalyptus or mint leaves.
A solution of aloe juice can be used to fight the runny nose. Aloe juice has anti-inflammatory and restorative properties, as well as helps to moisturize the nasal mucosa.
Herbal remedies with expectorant effect when coughing include infusions of licorice root, plantain leaves or leaves of mother - and - stepmother.
There are many folk remedies for colds, but even the best of them will be ineffective if you do not observe the bed rest, drinking and other recommendations of your doctor.


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