France. without lights, a city of lights. The day prior, there was a deliberate blackout in Paris.

On Thursday, night fell in the "city of lights," Paris. The transformer had issues, which led to the failure. The power loss happened the day before a drill that was supposed to simulate a temporary and widespread blackout. The debate about the nation's energy issues has been raging in France for a few days.

On Thursday night, darkness descended across a number of southern Parisian neighborhoods. According to Reuters, the third, fourth, and fifth districts lost power about 22.15 Polish time. RTE, the operator of the French electrical grid, reported that the outage, which had a peak impact of 125,000 homes, lasted about 45 minutes. According to information from Reuters, the issue was brought on by a transformer failure that resulted in a breach in high-voltage electrical cables.

The day before the planned blackout, Paris was completely dark.

The disruption, according to an RTE spokeswoman, was unrelated to the Enedis planned blackout. In order to get ready for anticipated power outages connected to France's energy issues, both companies decided to practice on Friday.

Despite the blackout on Thursday, the crisis testing on Friday went on as scheduled. RTE said that it carries them out regularly.

The corporation asserts that network stress during a cold snap can result in power interruptions. According to experts, issues caused by this can be anticipated at the start of the following week.

Blackouts will be intermittent and transient in nature. They won't affect key beneficiaries like hospitals and emergency services; just a few areas would be impacted. Locally, this procedure might take up to two hours, RTE director Xavier Piechaczyk told France Inter radio. "France is preparing for the worst cases. But it is not certain and we can avoid it." - stressed the energy operator's chief, urging the French to conserve energy. According to RTE analyses, the total duration of the power outage will be no more than 1-6 days.

France is having electricity issues.

According to the most recent government statistics, France's energy consumption decreased by 7% in November compared to prior months. The issue of producing electricity is still present. Nearly half of France's nuclear reactors are still inactive as a result of mishaps. In order to prevent a winter blackout, France has to treble its energy imports due to the ongoing technical issues at power facilities that have plagued the country for many months.

Emmanuel Macron calls for calm. "It's an absurd debate"

According to BFMTV, Emmanuel Macron reprimanded government officials for making overly ominous statements on the availability of electricity during a meeting of the Council of Ministers. - The head of state highlighted that the risk of a blackout in France is extremely low and stated that the French people are not lab rats.

The president's outrage was also sparked by recent comments made by a spokeswoman for energy provider Enedis, who said that families with sick individuals using respirators may have their electricity turned off. It's a pointless argument. Ministers and state organizations are not supposed to instill fear in the French people or scare them with improbable possibilities. Emmanuel Macron pleaded for an end to everything yesterday.


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