Great article on stray dogs

It just so happened on planet Earth that the population of any large predator is almost always accompanied through life by a retinue of scavengers, feeding on the remains from its table. Man is traditionally followed as such a retinue by rats, crows and dogs. Representatives of all three species are surprisingly well tamed, and dogs, in addition, from time immemorial, in addition to harm, also brought benefits, protecting their forage territory (and also the territory of people) from strangers. This property, along with the hunting tactics similar to human (and hence, the ability to conduct it together), and allowed them to become the first domesticated animals. Man began to select from the populations of satellite scavengers the most suitable individuals for his needs, train, breed ...



At the same time, the population of "nobody's", stray dogs has not gone anywhere, for thousands of years it has existed alongside people. Contrary to popular belief, these are not "poor pets that evil people throw out into the street" - as a rule, domestic dogs that have lost their owners are killed by street dogs, their population sustains itself through natural reproduction. It is extremely rare for a street pack to adopt a former domestic purebred dog. The real centers of replenishment of street flocks are not at all apartments, but the vast industrial zones of the outskirts of cities, where dogs lead a luxurious existence, fed by workers. They breed puppies under all sorts of booths and sheds, behind concrete fences inaccessible to catching services and hungry homeless people.



"Kind", "smart", "sad", such cute and expressive faces of hereditary mongrels are the result of natural selection; this is, if you will, mimicry: "sweet", attractive from the point of view of a person, appearance is a guarantee of survival in a world that belongs to bipeds. The caterpillar of the pygmy butterfly is able to secrete a pheromone that attracts ants, which feed the caterpillar and protect it from predators (without getting anything in return!) food base for the same rats and crows, but sometimes they protect them from their own brethren. Try to raise on some forum the question of the destruction of stray dogs - immediately hear the indignant cries of animal rights fighters, exclusively dogs. The latter, in addition to appeals to "humanism and mercy", are often used, repeating one after another, and "scientific" arguments, for example, that dogs allegedly control the number of rats, and once stray dogs are destroyed, rats will breed in incredible numbers.



Stray dogs really destroy almost any fauna, creating literally a dead zone around human habitation. Attempts to present them as "part of the ecosystem" are the result of deep delusion. Stray dogs are, rather, another factor of the negative human impact on the natural ecosystem, no less disgusting than the discharge of waste into rivers. They strive to catch and finish off any animal. At the same time, as a rule, they do not eat - the dog, it turns out, must be taught to eat live meat. In nature, canine mothers do this. Otherwise, the puppies crush the prey, and then they don't know what to do. Mongrels feed on inanimate scraps, they usually do not need hunting, but they kill instinctively - "out of entertainment", if you like, they devastate the fauna of city courtyards, parks, suburban forests, destroy nesting birds and wild animals, be it a hare or a weasel, from young elks and deer to fledglings and even large insects. Sometimes they attack people, but more often their pets. Have you not paid attention to the fact that in recent years it has become almost impossible to meet a walking cat or a little mongrel in the yards? Dogs destroy all living things. Except the rats! Dogs ignore rats - they are difficult to catch and kill, they are dexterous, aggressive animals. In addition, they are infected, and sometimes poisoned. If it squeezes, dogs eat rats, of course. But normally, no. In addition, the main habitats of rats - such as underground communications, granaries, refrigerators of food factories - are inaccessible to dogs, but they, on the contrary, destroy the natural enemies of rats - stray cats - quite successfully *. The food left by kind people for the dogs maintains the size of the "garbage" rat population, as a result, the rodents help the dogs to "clean up the territory", destroying those animals and birds that the dogs seem to be unable to reach.



Well, in addition, packs of dogs are a reservoir of a much larger number of diseases than synanthropic rodents - from toxoplasmosis and dirofilariasis to encephalitis (not to mention the "banal" trichophytosis and worms). In addition, they:

- shit. No jokes: in Moscow alone, the fecal mass (the most important factor in the transmission of diseases and environmental contamination), left by street dogs, exceeds 5 tons per day.

- annually vomit (including deaths) in Russia up to 500 thousand people (and these are only incidents recorded by the State Epidemiological Supervision). Mostvictims - children who just walk up to the animals or bother them while sleeping, eating, caring for the puppies.

- share the first place with foxes (31% of all sick animals in the country) as a source and mediator of rabies (a fatal and incurable disease for humans).




By the way, the modern rabies vaccine is only valid for a year. That is, in order to actually vaccinate the entire population, hundreds of thousands of animals will have to be caught annually just for the sake of vaccination, which is unrealistic in principle, and no budget can handle this (like the life-long maintenance of animals in shelters). The "humane" program of catch-sterilize-vaccinate-release also lost because mongrels' flocks mainly live outside the fences of industrial zones, in suburban forests and among the outskirts of slums, inaccessible to sanitary services, and depriving only part of the population of the ability to reproduce gives the offspring of unsterilized more chances to grow.

In addition, contrary to the statements of the "humanists", castration in dogs in adulthood does not lead to a decrease in aggressiveness. On the contrary, in service dog breeding, castration is sometimes used to reinforce "service qualities" in males - so that, without losing malice, they are not distracted by bitches.



Sadly, but if you want to live in a clean city without rats on the streets during the day, where you can see at least a squirrel in the park, jogging without the danger of being torn, there is only one real way out - extermination measures against homeless mongrels. Not "shooting by sadists and knackers", as pseudo-animal lovers like to paint, of course, but catching by special services and temporary keeping in shelters with subsequent euthanasia of "unadopted", aggressive and terminally ill.


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