Hair loss help in this article

Long, shiny and shiny hair is a trademark of many, especially women. A woman's hair is her best natural material that she should treat and show clearly and compete with her same-sex friends. But if you are among those 60% women, poor / have hair problems, then you may be shocked to have short hair on your head. The big problem is that women's hair loss is considered a social problem and this adds salt to the boundaries of women who suffer from hair loss or hair loss problems. Women themselves do not feel comfortable talking openly about their problems, however, men can talk openly and thus be able to try several treatment options including hair loss treatment using medication, etc.


You are not the only woman, who has hair loss problems and is having difficulty talking freely and finding a solution to hair problems. According to a clinical study, 1 in 4 women suffers from hair loss. Women are also always worried, why is hair falling out?


Causes of hair loss in a woman can be any, such as; Treatment of severe hair loss, hormonal changes during pregnancy, or menstruation. Depression and unhealthy eating habits also lead to hair problems. In some cases, women's hair loss may be hereditary. Hair loss as a genetic predisposition usually occurs between 18 and 24 years of age.


The most common type of hair loss due to genetics or other medical features is androgenic alopecia. This is a type of hair problem where the hair becomes too thin for one to see through. Alopecia areta is another type of hair problem that usually starts as a small bald spot but can cause complete hair loss, if left untreated. If you do not believe it, about a quarter of the world's population suffer from some form of hair loss. And any type of hair problem in women affects self-esteem and sometimes, can even lead to anxiety and depression.


The first step in solving any type of hair problem is to identify the type of hair loss you are suffering from. There are many treatment options available to treat hair problems, depending on the type and severity of the problems. Your doctor may suggest an oil / cream / ointment to apply to your scalp. If the hair loss is due to hormonal or heredity or to other serious health problems your doctor may prescribe various medications.


In addition to getting help from a health professional, you can also take care of your hair to avoid hair loss. How ??


Here are some tips and tricks to prevent bad hair days.


1. Analyze your eating habits. Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining healthy tresses. Lack of essential vitamins and minerals and proteins etc. can change hair problems. Ask your doctor / dietitian for help.


2.Choose a loose and loose hair style. What hairstyles that introduce tension in your hair extensions. For example; strong ponytails, chignons and plaits.


3. Avoid horizontal cuts as this creates a misunderstanding of the extra pressure.


4. Do not overuse hot hair styling tools, such as; jaws and straightening strings, as this may cause weight gain and breakage.


5. Use wigs and hair extensions or use hats, scarves and fun jewelry to attract attention to your hair.


6. Ask your hairdresser to monitor your hair growth, but do not overdo it.


7. Depression is a major cause of hair loss. Try to stay positive.


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