Holistic Veganism/ Vegans

National Institute of Technology 



Vegan are those who declares their Identity, morals and ethics. It is a philosophical lifestyle movement based on individual consumption. Vegans follow a severe diet than of vegetarians. They keep themselves away any form of meat or byproducts extracted from the animals such as dairy products, milk, meat, leather, silk etc., The Vegan society proclaim veganism as "Lifestyle who seeks to exclude any form of exploition or cruelty to animals for clothing, food and any other motives. They are strictly against exploitation of other living creatures. Vegans would rather consume plant-based products such as grains,pulses, fruits, vegetables than meat. People turn vegan due to reasons such as environment, ethics or health. The demand for veganism has reached new levels and vastly spread within the last few years. Low-fat vegan diet is preferred for losing cardiometabolic risks, contemplation and losing weight. Low-fat vegan diet enhances insulin sensitivity and lipid concentrations. Blood pressure is also reduced by adopting this diet. This article explores the problems of vegans in this animal consumer-driven society and also the life-style, nutrition and detox in vegan & Raw Vegan niche( no cooking or processed foods).

Elements: Nutrition, Plant-based lifestyle, diet, detox in vegan and Raw Vegan niche. 



According to US statistics 2022, the number of vegans are rapidly piled up in US and around the world. 

Veganism has started in early 2000's in US and now it's spreading like a wildfire whether ethically motivated or by health regardless of the reason for becoming a vegan, the population suggests it's a new trend-setter in the emerging lifestyle movement. People have begun to change their perspective about how the other animals and the planet is affected by the meat industry. Businesses of plant-based vegan products have been more accessible than ever dropping thousands of new menus. We can holistically witness how the plant-based food culture has influenced today's modern society. 

According to Plant Protein sources, 6% of the US consumers are vegan i.e, about 9.7million vegans in US. In which, 11,000 are below 17-years of age. Even though the population of vegan in US is relatively low but most of the Americans doesn't follow strict vegan diet but aim to be. A report by Market Share suggests that 39% of the Americans have claimed to eliminate animal based products from their diet striving to become a fully vegan one day. 

Vegan based Restaurant Industry are performing well in the recent years in the US and around the world. There are 1,474 plant-based vegan restaurants all over the US. Washington DC has the highest vegan restaurant per capita. The plant-based food sales boomed over 2.5 times compared to the past two years i.e., 2020-2022. Vegan "meat" sales has grown upto 72% between the years 2020-2022. Global plant-based milk industry has a market value of about $12billion in the year 2020 expecting to be $24billion by the year 2024. 

Consuming plant-based milk has increased by 61% while cow's milk is refused by 22%. Plant -based was set down as the category of the year showing 200% YOY growth in the online retail. Plant-based meat market is expected to hit 19% growth rate by 2025. 


Types of Vegans

The lifestyle of Vegans is classified into various types depending on the reasons such as ethical vegans, religious vegans, environmental vegans and health vegans. 

° Ethical Vegans 

They are the one who choose the vegan lifestyle as they are strictly against the animal-cruelty. They don't want to involve in any form of exploiting animals. They do it for animals. For them all the animals are the same and has right to live on this planet. Ethical vegans views factory farming cruel and the only way to protect is to obtain from animal products. They are known to be animal lovers. 

° Religious Vegans 

Religious Vegans are the one who choose the vegan diet due to spiritual beliefs. Jainism is the ancient Indian religion where they believe " Non-violence is the one's highest duty". They despise any form of violence, doing any violent activities any religious behaviour is considered worthless. Hence they follow strict vegan diet.

° Environmental Vegans are the one go vegan as a way of living a greener lifestyle and bestowing their bit to the planet. They believe that by adopting vegan diet helps to decrease greenhouse gas emission, reduce pollution and minimise deforestation. They care about planet.

° Health Vegans are the one who go for vegan diet for health regarding issues such as lactose intolerance. Studies shows that vegan diet helps to eliminate the risk of diabetes and also cardiovascular disease. Studies shows that vegans had blood glucose level lower than average and lower levels of unhealthy cholestrol. This type of vegans are health and body conscious.

Vegan Diets

Vegan diet is a diet which consists no animal products. Vegans consume plant-based products such as nuts, tofu, dark chocolate, cookies, fruits, legumes, vegan alcohol, pasta, potatoes, bread, vegetables etc. Yet there are different types of diets. A healthy vegan avoids eating items, a junk food vegan like it. Similarly there are a few vegan diets such as Raw Vegan Diet, Frutarian Vegan Diet, Gluten-free Diet, Pegan Vegan Diet, Freegan Diet, Raw Till 4 vegan Diet, Junk food Diet, Whole-food Vegan Diet etc.

° Raw Vegan Diet 

As the name suggests the individual consumes their vegan food raw i.e, uncooked. They believe that by cooking food at high temperatures could result in loss of vitamins in food. They heat their food not more than 40°C. Vegans have delicious raw vegan food like raw vegan cheese cake, raw vegan lasagne.

° Frutarian Vegan Diet 

An individual who only eats what has fallen naturally from a plant. They eat fruits,nuts and seeds. Fruit is the main for vegan diet. 

° Gluten-free Vegan Diet 

Diet which has no animal products or gluten content in it. Gluten is the name of protein in wheat. Gluten acts as a glue that helps food to maintain their shapes. A vegan food without gluten in it is known as Gluten-free diet.

° Pegan Diet

It is a variation type of paleo diet. It is known as the caveman diet. The people who follow this diet eats like humans of Paleolithicum era. This is the diet plan we all evolved from. They eat fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds in their diet. Strict pegans do not eat legumes or grains as the stone age people don't. 

° Freegan Diet  

It is consumed by freegans. They eat thrown away vegan food by the individuals or supermarket, they don't buy food but eats what they found. In Freegan Diet you eat what you found rather than bought. They obtain food through multiple sources and some of them are not legal.



° Raw Till 4 Vegan Diet 

One who adopts this plan eat raw vegan food till 4pm. They believe raw food is more nutritious than cooked food. There are no restrictions for raw food after 4pm. 

° Junk-Food Vegan diet

Vegans who eats a lot of ice-creams and vegan burgers. They are known as junk-food vegans. They eat lot of processed vegan food and mock meat

° Whole-food Vegan  

The individual who follows whole vegan food, a diet rich includes vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits and grains. They avoid processed food.


Detox in The Vegan

In the process of going vegan we notice some changes mostly in the detox phase. Detoxifying from meat, dairy and eggs will have a positive effect on your health and wellbeing. During the first stages of going vegan you notice an extra energetic and might develop a glow. Vegan detox is powerful, shows the impact that the food has on us. It might be a 3 day vegan cleanse or permanent but it is something which we all need in our lives. Detoxifying our body from the animal products such as meat, eggs and dairy is called Vegan Detox. Generally we have two types of vegan detoxes. Short-term vegan cleanse, life-style change. 

° Short-term Vegan Detox 

They use this type to cleanse their bodies usually between 3-30days. Short period detoxifying. 

° Lifestyle Changes 

The one who go vegan for the long-term health benefits, environmental/ethical reasons. Through transitioning will experience the same effects as short-term detoxes. They often include Sugar, oils and processed vegan foods and short-term detoxers won't. Initially the detox process might be little daunting but those used when detoxifying are the healthiest and most natural foods available. Detox cleanse involves mostly juices, soups and smoothies. However, people go vegan without strict rules to detox. Because they simply cut off the meat,eggs and dairy alone is its own detox.

Why Vegan-Detox?

As the meat and dairy products slower to process. Vegan detox is the effective way to cleanse. Detoxifying our body is the most essential part to stay healthy when your eating and drinking habits are not at the best. 

More research is showing the incredible health benefits of the plant-based vegan diet. The whole vegan foods not only good for health but lifestyle can reduce and reverse some diseases. Vegan detox is good way considering going vegan to feel the experience. However, short-term vegan cleanse will not give you accurate feel as in long-term.

Benifits of Vegan-Detox:  

Six benifits of Vegan-Detox are: 

° Enhances overall Health 

It shows an enormous positive impact over health. Replacing meat,eggs and dairy with greens, fruits and healthier plant protein will detoxifies the body. It prevents deadly diseases, boost the immune system and improves body functioning. It is more like vegan health Insurance the more you put, the more you are covered. 


° Increases Energy Levels 

Most of the animal products takes times a lot of time to break especially meat. The process can often make us feel slack and tired. 

A Vegan Cleanse replaces with easy ones. Your gut easily processes brocolli over a steak. And hence, you'll gain more energy. 

° More Nature Calls 

When you start consuming vegan products your intake in fiber booms. This leads to more nature calls, clearing your body is good for energy and wellbeing. 

° Clearing Skin 

Going long-term vegan helps clearing ance. But short-term detox can impact skin differently, they may not clear ance perhaps make it even worse as the cleanses push toxins to the surface of the body. 

° Intense Focus

Vegan diets are entirely devoid of cholestrol. Excess cholestrol leads to clog arteries and effects memory, even lead to strokes in long-term. It effectively improves your brain functioning and focus.

° Helps with Weight-loss 

Vegan detox helps you to loss weight in a healthy and controlled way. 

By choosing to cleanse your body of toxic foods, you are promoting an good environment and burn through the food faster while staying full for longer.

Foods to avoid on Vegan-Detox

Being a vegan doesn't mean we would likely to be healthy. There are certain plant-based we should avoid when on vegan-detox.

These are: 

° Sodium 

While on vegan-detox make sure you limit the salt usage you consume. Higher Sodium is not a great idea. 

° Oil

It has a lot of fat and calories. Any detox should reduce oil significantly. 

° Sugar 

It contains a lot of empty calories. Vegan diet includes sugar but avoid it while on vegan-detox.

° Processed Foods 

There are a lot of delicious vegan processed foods which helps you to make the transition to veganism much easier. However, if you begun vegan for health benefits, you require to hold off that beyond burger.


Tips for a Vegan-Detox

Irrespective of the needs, goals and preferences there are some general tips for a healthy vegan-detox. 

° Keep Hydrated 

Water is the absolute best thing humans to consume, it's important to keep the water intake up. When cleansing, water plays a key role. 

° Avoid Alcohol 

We should refrain from drinking alcohol while detoxing. It is not best for us as it produces harmful toxins and the strain it leaves on our bodies. 

° Cleanse with Smoothies 

Smoothie cleanse is the great choice for detoxing. RawJuvenate offers a great organic detox plan. Here's the plan: eating one meal a day with a super green tea, the pea protein- fortified smoothie. Plus aloe, fibre and probiotic capsules to help clean out the digestive tract, increases the rate of flow. 

° Quality Sleep

Sleep is essential for a successful detox. Long and good sleep is crucial when your body adjusts, recovers and adapting the changes you're experiencing. 

° Cleanse your Aura

With the help of oil aromatherapy, the negative energy can be taken out of our body. This will helps you to clear your mind, energizes and de-stress you. 

° Exercise 

The best way to get toxins out is to sweat them out. Your body functions are geared while exercising. Exercise is one of the best things to accompany detox.


Raw Vegan Niche

Many of the non-vegans view vegans as a strict restrictive diet even though it has a lot of health benefits. Then such nay-sayers would make of the popular growing raw vegan diet? Here we look at the aspects of whether raw vegan still a niche and pros & cons of adapting such diet. And also some pointers towards following a vegan diet plan. 

Raw vegan diet is that adheres the same principles as that of veganism but allows no cooked or processed foods. This led to rise of two seperate eating philosophies: Veganism & Raw Foodism. 

Rawism, Raw Foodism, Eating raw whatever you call, it involves in eating "mostly raw " or "90%raw" foods. Whilst there might be many reasons for someone to adopt a raw vegan diet, say environmental reasons or ethical considerations or some exclusively for health benefits. The precise information about the raw vegan diet may vary from person to person same way when it comes to vegan itself. A raw vegan diet depends on how strictly they stick to all the fiat of this growing nutritional philosophy. Some raw Vegans eats fermented food and some sprouted food stuffs. As well as lightly cooked or heated at low temperatures. 


Impact of raw vegan diet

Raw Vegan Diet has both pros&cons we like to be positive about the vegans considering the brighter side and there is no doubt that raw vegan diet has a lot of positive impact on our health. However, the biggest question regarding raw vegan diet is whether this way of eating is safe and healthy or not. 

In the year 2017, The British Dietetic Association (BDA) , the only body present in The UK acting for the whole of the dietetic workforce. Has listed raw vegan diet as something to AVOID. It is a quiet damaging indictment from the association. BDA criticizes raw vegan diet for not being suitable for pregnant women and children describe it as a challenge i.e, time consuming and different to stick to when eating out. They also pointed out that some foods are more nutritious when cooked. In addition, they stated that it is fine for a short-term but it may damage your health in long-term or if not balanced. Eating out raw vegan diet is considered challenging with lots of time consuming preperation needed. Something is difficult to eat doesn't mean to dismiss the food. 

However, there are other issues with the raw vegan diet which are tough to ignore as it is not backed up by science. Firstly, BDA aruges about the claim that raw and uncooked food is healthier and more nutritious.

Based on a study called " Effect of Different Cooking methods on Nutritional and Physiochemical Characteristics of Selected Vegetables " described in the Journal of Food Chemistry and Agricultural and demonstrated the bioavailability of beta-carotene is greater in cooked carrot than in raw carrot. The same repeated with the other plants (vegetables and fruits) for instance, cooking tomatoes and asparagus is easier for the body to absorb numerous nutrients. This fact brings us to criticism about raw vegan diet, it is far too easy to say eating all foods raw is better. 


Nutritious Issues with raw vegan diet 

One of the concerning issues with the raw vegan diet are it's Nutrient value. While it is such a highly nutritious diet in many other ways, but would likely lead to deficiency due to potential lack of certain vitamins such as Vitamin B12. 

All the richest sources of vitamin. Most common vegan sources of B12 are processed ( like Marmite) in The UK, most of vegans gets vitamin B12 from the foods that have added as fortification. By definition these are products such as yeast, cereals extract and some vegan milk, are processed and hence would not be a part of raw vegan diet. However, there is an option be acceptable in some raw vegans would be Nori, a Japanese dish which is dried seaweed used in Sushi and other dishes. This is a good source of B12 and iodine for vegans. Dried seaweed is a little processed, some raw vegans would like to include it in their diet. 

It is not possible for to say a raw vegan can get enough crucial vitamins such as Vitamin B12, Iron, calcium and Vitamin D. However, it requires a lot of research, investment of proper time and money. In reality, most of the raw vegans lack such Vitamins.


Lack of Scientific Evidence

Ignoring the issue of Omega-3, which paints rather a healthy picture of raw vegan diet. The existence of raw veganism has been from a long time, but the exponential growth is noticed in the recent decade or so. Rawism is considered as niche within a niche and deliberately making the number of raw vegans low. In a conclusive scientific solution about raw vegan diet is not possible. 




Veganism is a philosophy and a lifestyle which seeks to exclude any form of exploitation and cruelty against animals for food, clothing and any other purposes. The classification of Vegans into various types depending on the philosophical and ethical norms such as ethical vegans, religious vegans, environmental vegans and health vegans. Studies proves that the low-fat vegan diet helps to improve lipid concentrations, insulin sensitivity and decrease blood pressure while on vegan diet.




Studying the scientific and the popular literature, considering the individual beliefs has provided more clear picture of the diet in terms of the ethical and health notions. Greater researchers call in the area of vegan lifestyle as opposed veganism as a simple diet plan. This is the question, whether the health benefits of vegans solely contribute to their diet or to the lifestyle. Which corresponds to the ideas of mindfulness and the intense care for excercise need to be explored. Having identified with the myths and negative stereotypes, this will give voice to vegans to counter this phenomenon. These inadequate portrayals on vegans would seem attributable for the lack of knowledge on Vegan Diet. And as well as the inherent opposition for the potential inhumanity that exists with the consumption of meat, eggs and dairy products. Whilst much progress has been made illustrating the different vegan diet and more research should be conducted to combat the negative beliefs about vegan diet.


Vegan detox helps body in detoxifying our body without consuming animal products or byproducts. Short-term vegan cleanse is essential for detoxification for every 2-3 times a year. Short-term vegan cleanse involves only 3-30 days of duration. 

Whilst Lifestyle change has a long-term health benefits. Just as short-term vegan cleanse this also involves in the same transitioning they would likely experience the similar effects of vegan cleanse. However, not so adequate effects in short-term. A Vegan Detox is a good way for those who wish to go vegan experiencing how they feel. In over all vegan detox helps you to improve your health condition, more energetic, more nature calls, improved focus and other benefits. Whilst on vegan one should avoid foods like Sugar, Oil, Sodium and Processed Food. 


Raw vegan diet involves in eating mostly raw or 90% of the Processed Food. Rawism is still considered a niche while veganism is no longer niche. The association of dietetics in the UK (BDA) has quoted raw vegan diet as something to AVOID in 2018. Thi is a damaging indictment from the association. Some of the issues in raw vegan diet are harder to ignore that this diet is not backed up by any robust science and hence, one cannot say it is safe and healthy diet.

A study has demonstrated that the bioavailability of beta-carotene is greater in cooked carrots and similarly for the other plants (vegetables and fruits). The British Dietetic Association (BDA) argues that the uncooked and raw food is healthier and nutritious. For long reliable studies have been conducted on raw vegan diet simply because of less availability of people. Raw vegans proclaim that acts as the pancreas for all the illnesses, both physically and mentally. Boosts immune, fights cancer, lowers inflammation and many other. However, these claims are vague and hard to quantify. They aren't many raw vegans exists to find the significance evidence.

 In a conclusive scientific solution about raw vegan diet is not possible. But, that doesn't mean that raw vegan diet is unhealthy, it is just a moment in time. We don't know for sure however there are specific things that we know. 


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