How do you learn to run long and why it's not as hard as it seems?

How long is how long? For a professional, 10 km is nothing, for an amateur - the norm, and for someone who has never run, even the limit of dreams. In fact, such a distance is within everyone's power if you approach it gradually. And in general, it's better to measure running training not by distance, but by time.

How to overcome the fear of long distances?


According to an ultramarathoner, to go for long distances, you need to start with 20-30 minutes of running. Alternate running with walking in a comfortable for you ratio and increase the load duration by 7-10% per week. In this case, in 2.5-3 months you will be able to reach an hour of continuous movement, and this is quite close to the coveted 10 km.


For those who are hampered by psychological fear of the long distance, there is a useful tip: do not set a goal to run an entire marathon. Run to the nearest traffic light, then catch sight of the next one and run to it. Concentrate only on the little stretch you're running in the here and now.

How long does it take to get into the habit of running long?


Everyone has a different pace of adapting to exertion, but usually 4-6 months of regular training is enough to make running an integral and habitual part of life. The problem is different: how not to give up after a couple of weeks or months? Ultramarathoner points out that the easiest way to run in a group - not necessarily in a running club, a virtual community is enough. Understanding that somewhere your brothers in mind are running motivates you not to give up training.


How do you learn to run long?


Before answering this question, it is important to understand what is limiting you in the length of your run.


If the problem is that you're panting or getting tired quickly, you probably lack general endurance. All of this can be developed with long (relative to your current condition) slow running.

To run for a long time, you need to gradually increase the duration of the exercise.

Regular exercise is also important - ideally four to six per week. While running, you can concentrate on your thoughts or listen to music, an audio book or foreign language lessons. Imagine that running is a kind of meditation.

There is also a psychological factor - many people, for example, are banal bored with running for a long time. To solve this problem, think about the fact that the time of running is a period when you can isolate yourself from the outside world. There is an interesting film on this subject, "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner," where the main character reveals to the viewer running as a means by which one can escape from his problems.


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