How long the effects of covid can last and what they are
Problems occur even in those who have had the disease in a mild and asymptomatic form.
On average, people recover 1. Post-COVID Conditions / CDC
2. Coronavirus Diagnosis: What Should I Expect? / John Hopkins Medicine in 1-2 weeks after the onset of the first symptoms of COVID-19. However, this recovery is not always complete. Let's look at what effects of coronavirus can last for a long time.
When people recover completely
According to the World Health Organization, a large proportion of people who have had COVID-19 disease experience serious health problems: WHO supports standardization of clinical data collection and reporting / WHO months.
If a person cannot recover in any way, even though more than three weeks have passed since the beginning of the disease, and the PCR test has long since become negative, physicians say COVID-19 (coronavirus): Long-term effects / Mayo Clinic about a condition called postcovid (postcovid syndrome). It is now often used to describe the longer-term effects that persist in those who have had the disease - doctors have not yet created a clear classification.
In this article, the term "postcovid" is used to define all the long-term effects of coronavirus.
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recently published a systematic review of 57 studies that examined the effects of the disease in 250,000 people. The analysis showedD. Groff, A. Sun, A. E. Ssentongo, et al. Short-term and long-term Rates of Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection. A Systematic Review / JAMA Network, that more than 50% of survivors suffer from post-covid to some extent. And health problems are still present even six months after recovery from coronavirus infection.
And six months is not the limit. It's possible that the postcovirus persists for much longer. The authors of the review explain: There are no studies that document the condition of those who have recovered a year, a year and a half or two after acute covid yet - it's too new a disease, and scientists are only gathering data.
What are the effects of the coronavirus
Now that's pretty clear. Researchers confidently listD. Groff, A. Sun, A. E. Ssentongo, et al. Short-term and long-term Rates of Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection. A Systematic Review / JAMA Network The most common persistent symptoms and physical changes in the body that are documented in COVID-19 survivors.
1. Lung problems.
Various abnormal changes in the lungs persist in more than 60% of those who have had the disease - doctors find them on chest X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs.
These abnormalities are not always accompanied by any obvious symptoms. However, about one in three people with postcovis complains of shortness of breath, and one in ten complains of an intrusive cough.
2. Loss of concentration, memory impairment, and other neurological manifestations
Severe cognitive decline has even been givenR. Rubin. As Their Numbers Grow, COVID-19 "Long Haulers" Stump Experts / JAMA Network a separate name - "brain fog". A person's memory, attention, reaction rate, sensory organs fail, difficulties with learning, familiar work, even with the performance of daily tasks deteriorate.
To put it in numbers, on average:
one out of every four sufferers complains of an inability to concentrate;
about one in five complains of significant memory problems;
anosmia (loss of smell), agueusia (loss of taste), and dysgeusia (constant foreign taste) persist in about one in ten;
Compulsive headaches occur in about 8% of those who have had the disease.
3. Sleep problems
Insomnia, too restless, intermittent sleep, a constant feeling of not getting enough sleep - about one in four people with postkovid complain of this.
4. Mental disturbances.
A systematic review confirmedD. Groff, A. Sun, A.E. Ssentongo, et al. Short-term and long-term Rates of Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection. A Systematic Review / JAMA Network A consistent association between coronavirus infection and the development of mental illness. The scientists named generalized anxiety disorder as the most common disorder: doctors found it in about one in three cases of post-covids.
In addition, people who have had the disease often develop depression (about one in five) and post-traumatic stress disorder (about one in eight).
5. Constant severe fatigue and muscle weakness
One in three people with post-traumatic stress disorder complain of these symptoms. The weakness is so pronounced that many find it difficult even to go to the nearest store. And after such an outing, the person feels as if he or she has just climbed Mount Elbrus with a 10-kilogram backpack on his or her back. In general, even the slightest physical exertion is enough to make you exhausted.
But this is not the only problem. Weakness is often accompanied by pain in the joints or muscles - each of these symptoms is complained of by an approx.
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