How the Italians manage to drink a lot of wine and porridge and look better for the Ukrainians

 The Italians are not longing for sports and a healthy way of life, allowing themselves to drink a few cups of cava a day and not particularly limit themselves in wine consumption. Below we find out what is the secret of youthfulness and beautiful appearance of the Italians.Sunshine and the sea

Not only tourists, but also scientists have long paid attention to the fact that the inhabitants of this Mediterranean country look and feel themselves a lot more beautiful than their counterparts in other countries. After studying all aspects of life of Italians it was found that their healthy way of life, first of all, contributes to the location of the country. Thus, it is shaded by seas and is located in the area of a mild Mediterranean climate.

As you know, the sea air is considered a great healer because of its saturation with various useful microelements. Iodine, which is in the air on the coast, has a positive effect on the lungs and bronchi, as well as easier breathing. In addition, it helps to cope with the disorders that make the body to fight the stress. That is why it is true that people who live on the coast are much more relaxed and happy than those who live far away from it.

In addition to the effect of sea air on the skin, which contributes to its intense layering and vitality, a large amount of sunlight also plays an important role in the healthy appearance of the Italians. For example, locals are accustomed to lounging under the sun for many days a year, so that vitamin D in the body is plentiful. Because of this, Italians are distinguished by a strong immune system and prudent skin.


Diet and Skin

Proper dietary habits are one of the main lacunas in the formation of a healthy body and spirit. It already happened that the Italians are known for a large amount of very tasty food, as well as for their love of it. However, it should be borne in mind that through their culture in food they do not allow themselves to eat low-quality products.


In view of their pedantic attitude to the sensory experience, they believe it is better to cook with fresh ingredients grown in ecologically clean conditions. Therefore, we can conclude that they contain mostly healthy products. Most often they concentrate on seasonal fruits and vegetables, which can be found in abundance in Italy.


And as for the food and wine, their reasonable consumption does not hurt as much as it helps to stay healthy. For example, wine in reasonable quantities prevents aging, and wine contains antioxidants that provide mental clarity. Did you know that in Italy you can drink cappuccino only in France?


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About Author

My name is Alexander Bondin, I live in Ukraine Lviv region. I am 41 years old.