How to Beat Summer Unwillingness to Work?

Do you take your mind off work by thinking about relaxation rather than business? Do beaches and boats float by in your image, rather than documents? If so, you're really experiencing a summer slump in performance.


So, what can you do to regain your productivity and motivation?


1) Remind yourself of the truth of the proverb

He who rises early, to him God gives. Indeed, most agents were able to get their best clients during the summer when everyone else was resting. So get your act together and be ready to work.


2) Change your schedule.

If it's possible in your company, change your work hours so that you have more time for the sunbathing that you so desperately need. You can work in the mornings and evenings and rest in the afternoons.

Or you can take a day off in the middle of the week, instead of the standard Saturday and Sunday.


3) Choose a job that fits your summer slowness

For example, many companies purposely don't take on complex projects in the summer, but leave them for the fall to give their workers a rest and a break.


4) Make and stick to a to-do list

If you don't prepare a to-do list for the year. Then prepare a list for each day, this will help you stay in working shape and help you organize your work more efficiently.


5) Retreat to your work cave

A work cave is a place where you can work and not be distracted by unnecessary things that just won't be here.

A secluded place inside an enclosed room is the key to success.


6) Inspire Yourself

Everyone should inspire themselves to get the job done, you should set goals for yourself and then reward yourself for the results you achieve.

You can also use this time for self-development, or to develop additional skills that will be useful to you at work.


7) Take a Real Vacation

Indeed, a vacation is necessary, because it helps set the line between work and rest. It energizes you for the whole year. But just be careful, because it's hard to go back to work after a vacation, so prepare yourself in advance for such a step


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