How to boil potatoes quickly. Helpful tips and tricks

Have you ever been in the mood for a quick lunch or dinner, and then remembered that it takes 30-40 minutes for the potatoes? If you've been in this situation more than once, when you need to save as much time as possible, then a few ideas on how to boil potatoes quickly will come in handy. Nothing complicated, it's just worth using some of the tips or using a kitchen technique. But about everything in order.




How you can speed up the process of cooking potatoes

To begin with, let's take a brief look at the simplest ideas that can help reduce the cooking time by 5-10 minutes.


Life hack 1: Fill potatoes with boiling water


You can bring the water to a boil in a separate pot while you peel the potatoes or in an electric kettle. Boiling water will not only speed up boiling time, but it will also help preserve the vitamins, trace elements and everything that boiled potatoes are good for. But most importantly, it will definitely save 10 minutes.




Lifehack 2: Cook in a multicooker


If you have a multicooker on hand, especially one with a pressure cooker function, be sure to trust this process to it. Put the potatoes in a bowl, pour boiling water over them, and cook on the "Soup" mode. You will definitely save 5 minutes, and about 5 minutes more since you won't be watching the process.


Steaming potatoes is also a good idea. Pour boiling water into a bowl, set a tray, and turn on the "Steam" mode.


Leaflet 3: Use a plastic bag


This method is suitable for cooking in a microwave oven. It is better to take the bag that is designed for baking. Just place the potatoes in the bag and cook for 7-10 minutes until soft.


We'll talk about a few more ways to boil potatoes quickly in the microwave a little later.


Lifehack 4: Stab the potatoes with toothpicks


Especially this tip applies to cooking in the jacket, that is, in the peel. A washed potato should be pierced in several places with a toothpick so that it boils and cooks faster. Don't use a fork or knife, the punctures will be too big and then the potatoes may be too watery.


These are the simple 4 ways to boil potatoes quickly if time is tight. Although you can use them every time you plan to cook potatoes, because it is really very convenient.


What to cook potatoes in: pot and technique

Kitchen gadgets have long ago earned the title of valuable helpers. Therefore, few people can do without them nowadays. If you are also accustomed to using technology, then let's break down in more detail how to boil potatoes quickly on the stove and not only.


How to boil potatoes quickly in a pot


The simplest and most familiar way - cooking on the stove. But even this familiar way can be slightly improved to reduce the cooking by 10-15 minutes. So, pour boiling water over the potatoes and put them on the stove. After boiling, add salt to taste and 30 grams of butter. When it melts, it forms a thick film on the surface of the water. It is because of this, the potatoes will be ready faster than usual.


Cooking potatoes in the microwave oven: a quick side dish in 5 minutes

Microwave - a wand-helper of everyone who has it in the kitchen. With its help, the process can really be almost halved. To begin with, let's look at how to quickly boil potatoes in the jacket. There are a few important conditions here:


you need to choose a small or medium-sized potato;

it is necessary to pick up tubers of approximately the same size;

be sure to make several punctures with a toothpick before boiling;

cook no more than 5-7 pieces at a time.

Put the washed potatoes in a dish that is suitable for microwave cooking. Pour a little water on the bottom. Cover with a microwave lid and set to maximum power. Cooking time depends on the specifics of the technique and the size of the tubers, but it is worth checking after 5 minutes. If we boil potatoes in jacket without water, the taste of the finished dish will remotely resemble baked potatoes. So decide for yourself which way you prefer.


Separately, it is worth mentioning how to cook peeled potatoes. You can use the same method - put it in a bowl and add a little water. But it is best to salt the potatoes beforehand, add spices. Another interesting option - potatoes in oil, cook in a dish without water and under a closed lid. You can use both vegetable and melted butter. The potatoes can be cut into medium sized pieces beforehand.




How to boil potatoes quickly in a multicooker

To speed up the process, send the potatoes to the bowl already sliced and seasoned. And be sure to pour not cold water, but boiling water. A tightly closed lid will also help save a few minutes. As you can cook potatoes in the multicooker on different modes and different amounts of time (and it also depends on the size of the tubers), be guided by the features of their home appliances.


Potatoes in the multicooker


Technology of cooking different dishes

It is worth replacing that for soups and side dishes, for example, it is better to use different ways of cooking potatoes. To ensure that the result is perfect every time, let's look at some of the most popular dishes.


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