How To Do Online Equity Trading ?

Today, carrying out online equity trading in India is an easy process. Every user with an online account has a user/customer ID and password. These credentials will help you do equity share trading on the equity market live.


Do always remember that brokers take professional-grade IT security, thus ensuring high quality online equity trading that is completely safe. Here is a step by step process. Don't forget to open a free demat account to begin investing.


Login to the online broker platform.

Enter the ID and password to access your account.

Your customized page opens and thus the opportunity to trade is open. Ensure you access the online platform during market/trading hours.

Select the stock to trade and buy/sell them on the stock exchange at your preferred rate. Once the order goes through, your trade is completed.

In the evening, you will get an SMS notification of the trade order specifics, along with confirmation of the ledger balance.


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