How to fall asleep in 1 minute for insomnia

Causes of sleep disorders

Sleep problems, stress and the resulting emotional exhaustion are often experienced by people living in megacities. According to statistics, at least 80 percent of residents of large cities over the age of 25 experience a feeling of fatigue and muscle weakness upon awakening. If you do not get a good night's sleep, you wake up in the morning tired, and in the evening you have no energy for anything. This indicates the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, which is usually only the "surface of the iceberg. 

"Problems with sleep can be provoked by trivial domestic conditions," comments Olga Shuppo. - They are caused by stale air in an unventilated room, noise and bright light. But we can only speak of the diagnosis of insomnia when the patient has trouble sleeping at least three times a week.


Sleepless nights should not go unnoticed, as it is an alarming signal from the body. Chronic "lack of sleep" disrupts the nervous system, reduces social activity, mental and physical performance. If the problem persists for a long time, it can lead to dangerous consequences for the body: violation of immune defenses and the development of chronic diseases.


How to fall asleep quickly as an adult and get a good night's sleep

With prolonged sleep disorders, you can try to cope with the problem yourself or consult a doctor. The doctor may recommend remedies containing melatonin. This substance is an analog of the hormone that is produced at night in the brain.


Lack of melatonin negatively affects your well-being and health, because this substance is responsible for the regulation of biological rhythms. Thanks to this therapy, the quality of night's rest gradually improves, a person begins to get enough sleep.

However, melatonin should be used only on the doctor's recommendation and in a strictly defined dosage. And without consulting a specialist at home, safe, but no less effective techniques should be used to restore sleep.


Simple ways to fall asleep quickly without medication

To fall asleep quickly with insomnia and get a good night's sleep, you should adhere to simple rules.


Darken the room

The bedroom should be well darkened. Light coming in from the street, through blinds or curtains, disrupts sleep and the quality of the night's rest. It is important to turn off all light fixtures and carefully close the curtains on the windows.


Take care of the temperature regime

The optimal temperature for a night's rest is 17-20 degrees, a maximum of 22 degrees. This temperature regime is optimal for the production of melatonin, the body's recovery and proper relaxation.


Go to bed on time

"It is very important to adhere to a certain sleep regime," advises Olga Shuppo. - The production of melatonin occurs only from 23 hours to 3 am. At this time, a person should definitely sleep. Melatonin is extremely important, as this is also the hormone of youth. It slows down aging, lowers cortisol levels after heavy exercise, and lowers glucose levels.


You should go to bed early, about 21-23 hours. It is useful to accustom yourself to do it at the same time.


Cover yourself with a heavy blanket.

An interesting technique for falling asleep quickly with insomnia and getting a good night's sleep is to use a massive blanket or a blanket with weights. Such blankets mimic a hug in which a person unknowingly relaxes and falls asleep quickly.


Weighted blankets were originally conceived for children with autism and movement disorders. Then they began to be used for adults with disorders of the nervous system. Now they are recommended for people with insomnia and anxiety as a safe and effective way to get a good night's rest.


Giving up late supper

Even if work ends late, it's important to structure your daily routine so that you have at least three hours between dinner and bedtime. Digestion at night is not good for the digestive system, nor for the quality of rest. Drinking a soothing herbal infusion shortly before bedtime is a good habit. Relaxing herbs can help you calm down and fall asleep very quickly, even if you usually do not sleep.


Snacking on dried fruit

"You can take "on the armament" another good habit, - notes Olga Shuppo. - During afternoon tea, eat a small amount of dried fruit and nuts. They contain a substance tryptophan, which has a calming and even soporific effect on the nervous system.


Take a bath in the evening.

A bath with magnesium salt has a similar relaxing effect. It balances the nervous system, allows you to tune in to rest, fall asleep quickly at night and get a good night's sleep.


How to fall asleep quickly in 1 minute.

This technique for falling asleep quickly was developed for military pilots in the U.S. Army. It allows you to fall asleep in 10-60 seconds. You may have to practice this technique, but over time it will allow you to fall asleep almost instantly.


Lie comfortably on your bed and relax.

Concentrate on relaxing all the muscles of your body: relax your facial muscles, then lower your shoulders and let your arms fall arbitrarily on the bed.

Breathe in and out deeply, relaxing your chest.

Relax your legs: thighs and calves.

Clear your thoughts for 10 seconds by imagining something relaxing: the flow of a river or the starry sky.

If clearing your thoughts doesn't work, repeat to yourself "don't think" a few times.

After a few seconds, you should fall asleep.


If these ways to fall asleep quickly at night do not work, it is worth seeing a doctor. The cause of insomnia can be diseases of the heart and blood vessels and an overactive thyroid gland, which require qualified treatment.


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I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead