How To Get Payout From Shrinklink

what is shrinklink


shrinklink is the highest paying link shortner in the world. If you don't know what a link shortener is, Link shortners are basically link shortening service which shortnens a link into two parts, an advertisement part and a redirect part. So when you shorten a link you'll get a new link instead of the shortened link. You'll have to use the newly generated link instead of the shortened one. When you access that newly generated link it'll show ads for couple of seconds and you'll get paid for that. 


what makes shrinklink different


As you know shrinklink is the highest paying link shortener, also shrinklink pays more than youtube rates. There are alot of aspects which makes shrinklink unique and the best, including services like shrinkdirect etc. If you want to know the complete details with explanation you can check the video given below.


How to get payout from shrinklink


Since shrinklink does not track their users or their activities, users have to perform certain steps to get the withdraw.


1 - If you don't have shrinklink, Download shrinklink app from playstore first DOWNLOAD. If you have shrinklink proceed to next step

2 - Open setting on your phone

3 - Open network & internet options

4 - Open data usage in network & internet options 

5 - If you're using your mobile data open mobile data usage or if you're using wifi open wifi data usage 

6 - In data usage select the current month or period

7 - look for shrinklink and click on it

8 - Once shrinklink data usage opens make sure it's on the current period and take a screenshot

9 - Once you've taken the screenshot attach it to your payout email


Thats it, Once you have send the screenshot your withdraw amount will be deposited to your account



1 - If you don't have shrinklink, Download shrinklink app from appstore first DOWNLAD. If you have shrinklink proceed to next step

2 - Open setting on your phone

3 - Open screen time

4 - Open see all activity

5 - Select week from there

6 - Look for shrinklink in there and click on it

7 - Once it's opened take a screenshot of it and attach it to your payout email


Thats it, Once you have send the screenshot your withdraw amount will be deposited to your account


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About Author

I go by the name Asante Precious. I'm a freelance writer with many writing and contents creating experience

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