How to harden yourself in cold water

Cold water rinsing

Acting for a short time, cold water speeds up blood circulation in the vessels, improves well-being, stimulates the processes responsible for the functioning of the body systems. Not everyone who is ready to overcome the fear of the procedure of hardening, to cope with laziness, to mobilize willpower, knows how to start pouring cold water. Many people are afraid that the stress caused by a sharp change in temperature, can hurt rather than benefit.




Methods of dousing

For manipulation, which requires less than a minute, it is advised to start not after dinner or in the evening, but after waking up, which allows you to feel alert all day. People who are accustomed to swimming, it is better to start dousing in the morning with cold water, not immediately, but gradually. In the first 7 days it is recommended to harden the feet, the next week to water the knees, after the same period of time to reach the hips, at the end of the month - to the waist.

Those who are interested in whether you can pour cold water on the temperature, should not forget that the fever indicates an infection or inflammation, and even the method of gradual hardening can make the situation worse in a chronic disease, and not strengthen the immune system.

Gradual correction of temperature

Douche with cold water, pouring cold water, gradually decreasing the temperature by a degree or two, it is possible to get rid of irritation, to calm frayed nerves, lift your spirits. Hardening with this method is also suitable for the child, because it helps:

- accelerate physical development;

- Facilitate adaptation to the external environment;

- Increase resistance to viruses.


When wiping or bathing babies under a year old, the temperature of the water that fills the tub, it is advised to reduce by 0.5% every 7 days.

Returns performance, mobilizes the immune system that protects the body from pathogens, contrast shower. Getting to the hygienic procedure, which improves the tone, first pour hot water over yourself and then cool water. 


Untrained people are not advised to start tempering with diving, dipping in a cold river or pool, and use gentle techniques.

Rules for dousing

In order not to get overcooled during a useful manipulation, do not get pneumonia, you must first learn how to properly doused with cold water. It will not hurt those who have decided to temper themselves and consult a doctor, the procedure is dangerous in some conditions, including:

- high blood pressure;

- The presence of pustules on the skin;

- poor circulation;

- The presence of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections.

Having become familiar with the list of contraindications, a person will not ask whether it is possible to douse with colds with cold water.


After the manipulation, rejuvenates the body and activates the metabolic processes, it is recommended to wipe with a towel and rest in a warm room where there are no drafts. It is advised to bathe in such a way that the moisture does not spread over one area, but over the body, using water with a temperature of at least +10.


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