How to learn to think positively: 10 golden rules

In everyday life we often hear statements related to the content of our thoughts: "what's inside is outside," "thought is material," "negative thoughts attract similar events," etc. It would seem - there is an inner world and an outer world, each exists by itself and is not dependent on the other. However, this is not the case.




1. characteristic features2.  The 10 main rules3.  Forming a favorable environment for positive thoughts4.  How will your thinking change?


Negative thinking contributes to the "attraction" of negative events, due to the fact that we simply do not notice the positive, and focus on the negative. Our life goes according to the script that our consciousness has formed. Psychology teaches that our thinking acts on the principle of a sieve, i.e. the sieve is the principle of thinking, and saves what is closer to it. High levels of negativity provokes the inability to find a way out of difficult situations, creating difficult relationships with others and even many diseases.


The answer to the question of how to learn to think positively - will give the opportunity to change your life. Psychology notes that people who think positively are more successful, happy and healthy. They are less likely to get into trouble and less likely to be stressed.


Our inner world - is a reflection of the external with the upbringing, temperament, nationality, attitudes, etc., while the outer world - so versatile that gives us events and experiences similar to our filling.




Positive thinking does not mean completely ignoring failures, negative events, or experiences-because they are our experiences that will prevent us from making mistakes in the future.


Thinking positively means seeing problems based on opportunities, not obstacles.


If trouble happens to a negative minded person, he/she may give up, perceive the event as a pattern - "it's always so with me", "I'm a failure" etc. and refuse to fight further and find a way out, he/she believes that success is an accident in his/her life. A person who thinks positively will also be upset, but will quickly come to his senses, perceive the event as an experience and move on. He knows that success does not come without failures. Such people are often distinguished by their friendliness, smiling, resilience and curiosity.


Positive thinking excludes life in black and white colors. The basis of peace of mind is the understanding that today it could be bad, but tomorrow everything will change for the better. To live in a "catastrophic" mode is fraught with illness and a shortened life span. Thinking positively means understanding that you should not take responsibility for all the events around you. It is important to force yourself to let go of the situation if its solution is beyond your capabilities.


The 10 main rules


How to come to positive thinking and change your vision of the situation, if initially you tend to see a lot of negative things?  You should not give up on yourself. Our consciousness is able to form a new picture of life over time, if you will be guided by a few rules:


Consciously set yourself up for the positive.


Always set yourself up for positive emotions and thinking, do not let negative thoughts for a long time remain in your mind, if they arise - take time for internal dialogue, try to translate the minus in the plus. If you have something to praise yourself for - be sure to do it. Remember, to think negatively is to attract such events.


Ban disappointments.


If there are obstacles and failures on your way - see them as a life experience, an opportunity to develop their weaknesses and think in terms of finding workarounds.


Your task - to achieve balance, to form a positive picture of the world, whatever it costs you, and disappointments will pull you back and will not let you live happily.


Talk to people who have a positive attitude.


The answer to the question of "how to learn to think positively" you can help people like you. Try to surround yourself with those who are all trying to see the pluses, do not "hang on" the failures. People who hold grudges, vindictive or do not like life - rob you of a lot of energy and mental strength.


Believe in your personality.


Under any circumstances - keep faith in yourself and your abilities.


Psychology recommends letting something new into your life every day - for example, getting to work by a different road, or having lunch in a new place, etc. More study the life of those people who know what success is, its price, who went to the goal in spite of obstacles, and learn from them.

Be Determined


Success comes to those who see their goals clearly and are willing to move toward them. Always make plans to achieve your goals and stick to them. Keep in mind even small accomplishments-your mind will remember positive experiences, which will ultimately contribute to your confidence and positivity.


Remember that a thought is material.


Develop the habit of thinking positively - your understanding of the materiality of thoughts will help. Negativity is able to poison your existence and contribute to bad events in your life. Every day think about what else you can do to arrive at how to think positively.


See the positive in the negative.


Achieve mental balance psychology recommends through your personal attitude toward a situation or problem: if you are unable to change something, change your attitude toward the event.


Rejoice in the simple.


Don't tie your feeling of happiness and contentment with life to global things: for example, I'll only be happy if I'm rich, or if I become a star. Learn to enjoy something simple: nice weather, a pleasant companion, a good movie, etc. Developing this habit is not difficult - remember how many people are deprived of what you have in abundance.


Develop Yourself Constantly


Working on yourself brings a lot of positivity. Every day you will notice that you have become smarter, more successful, and therefore - happier. Investing money and energy in your development is a guarantee of your self-confidence, which will allow you to fight the negativity and change your life for the better.


Strive to live your life to the fullest.


This means finding time, energy and resources for the maximum areas of life - family, personal life, friends, work, leisure, hobbies, travel - all must be present in your life.


Make these rules the principles by which you will live your life from now on. Thanks to them, you will be able to change and live in harmony.


Creating an environment for positive thoughts


When looking for an answer to the question of how to start thinking positively - psychology recommends the regular use of several techniques that have as their aim to create a "favorable ground" for positive thinking:


Make a journal in which you will note your accomplishments;




visualize your desired results;


Monitor your health;


Monitor your body reactions: posture, facial expressions, gestures;


Smile more often.


How will your thinking change?


To summarize, positive thinking focuses the attention of the individual:


Not on problems, but on tasks and goals;


Not on what is lacking, but on what is wanted;


Not on obstacles, but on opportunities;


Not on the minuses, but on the pluses;


Not on failures, but on successes.


This mindset will allow you to make life bright and happy, success - available, yourself - healthier, and relationships with loved ones - full of love. Even if you are just thinking about how to learn to think positively, you are already halfway to success.


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About Author

I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead