1. Doing exercise
Doing exercise will loss your extra muscles internality .Doing exercise give you energy to do work by doing work is also very good exercise by doing clean your house and to walk from home, to office to walk on stair rejecting the lift. Some exercise you have to daily to loss weight.
1. Walk
Walking is the awesome exercise to weight loss starting your dieting or beginners of dieting you can't do heavy exercise it can effect in body muscles and it can be painful to starting from small part is the best idea because if you are lazy and you just gain your weight and than your muscles became tightly and if you do heavy exercise on your first day than it can be painful because that muscles will just you tightly. So starting from walking than it is very good idea. For poor people it will be very expensive to join gym or to buy trainer but using leg and without using your money it is pretty good idea.After your lunch or dinner it is the best time to going on walking because it will digest your food perfectly and going on walk daily you can also see different in your body and going on walking after eating something there will be never acidity or gas because of having gas is also very common reason to have gain weight. You can also install some app from online there are many app that can guide you how to loss weight,how to look slim,how to slim your face,how to loss your belly fat and many ore you can also see their reviewer that it can work or just.But doing that exercise you will loss you weight 100% but not by doing exercise you have to focus on your diet . Many people think that only doing exercise will loss their wight and that people also ate junk food. Nothan doing exercise is useless eating junk food is not good for your health. Eating green vegetable and drinking water is very good your body and to make your body slim.
Doing yoga is the best option of loss weight if you know than many celebrities do only yoga for having slim body . Doing yoga will flexible your body and give you energy to do work and doing work will also give you an energy and by doing yoga you can also fight with many disease and harms and you know that when the corona virus was effected the people very much than many people suggest to do yoga because it is very natural not only in India but outside the India like London,America,and many more country like yoga that open classes they have are very much crazy about yoga . Doing yoga will give you power lungs,your mind will sharp and you can decide your best
Dieting is main roles of missing your weight eating healthy food which have protein that you can eat less but give you energy full during dieting. Eating protein food is the best option and you have to drink water more and more everyday because drinking water will never made you dehydrate. Avoid oily food you can eat chess ,paneer because that have protein and eating protein is good
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