How to quickly relieve a headache

Quick ways to relieve a headache

Take an over-the-counter painkiller. Most painkillers take about 30 minutes to work, so you should take them as soon as you feel the first signs of a headache. Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, naproxen, or aspirin are very effective.

Do not take aspirin if you are under 19 years old. It is also contraindicated in children. Use an alternative pain reliever to help avoid Reye's syndrome, a rare but deadly side effect of aspirin.

Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can cause headaches, especially after vomiting or after drinking alcoholic beverages heavily. As soon as you feel the pain coming on, drink a full glass of water, and then drink water often but in small sips throughout the day. Gradually the pain will recede.

You should also refrain from coffee, alcohol, and sugary drinks, as they also cause dehydration. Water is the best solution for headaches.

Find a quiet and dark place to rest. If possible, it is worth lying down and relaxing for at least half an hour. Close the curtains, turn off the lights, and focus on your breathing.

Take care of the peace and quiet. In case you have to rest with other people, don't be lazy to explain to them that you have a headache and ask them to leave you alone and not to disturb you for a while.

Adjust the temperature in the room. Some people are only able to relax in a cool room, others prefer to rest under a large blanket and near a heater. When you lie down to rest, try several temperature regimes to choose the best one for you.

Try to avoid tension headaches (stress-related headaches). Make sure your bed or couch is comfortable enough and your head is in a position that does not strain your neck muscles.

Use cold compresses. A soft and cold compress applied to the forehead helps the blood vessels to constrict, which will greatly relieve the headache. This technique is quite effective if the pain is concentrated in the temples or sinuses.

Dampen a cloth with cold water and apply it to your forehead. Once the compress is warm, re-cool it.

Prepare a long-acting compress. Put the wet compress in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer for 30 minutes. After that put a compress on your forehead, the effect of such a compress is enough for a longer time, especially since the plastic bag will protect your skin from the icy moisture.

Massage your scalp, neck and earlobes. A gentle massage will not only take your mind off the pain, but also improve blood circulation and relieve tension. The easiest way is to gently press your fingers on the temples and slowly massage in a circular motion. However, you can also use more advanced techniques:

Head massage. Take a shower and treat yourself to a scalp massage, for this it is enough to make movements as if you were shampooing your hair. Alternatively, you can put coconut oil or argan oil on your fingers and rub it into your scalp.

Take two tennis balls and put them in a sock. Lie down on a flat surface, placing the two balls just below the base of your skull - on the occipital bone, relax. First of all, you may feel pressure on the sinuses or even a slight discomfort, but these sensations will quickly pass. This method is especially effective for sinus headaches (headache in the area of the sinuses).

If possible, you can massage the neck and back with your loved ones. Literally a few movements made by a loving person will bring the desired relaxation and stress relief. Particular attention should be paid to the back of the head.

Massaging the bridge of the nose is effective for sinus pain and migraine.

You can forcefully massage the biologically active points, which are located in the place where the bones of the thumb and index finger meet (the second metacarpal bone). It is best if someone else helps you with the massage, so both hands can be massaged at the same time. However, if you do it yourself, you should massage the points in turn for 5 minutes each.

Enjoy sex. Making love not only relieves stress and normalizes blood pressure, it also stimulates the production of the hormone oxytocin, which, in turn, promotes the release of endorphins - natural painkillers of the human body.

Practice relaxation techniques. All over the world, people use many tricks to avoid pain. When the headache reaches its climax, you don't have to worry about learning new techniques - just try not to leave your comfort zone. (You can read about new meditation techniques at any other time when you feel better.) However, the following techniques can be used at almost any time:


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