How to quickly upgrade your rank in CS GO

There are a total of 18 ranks in the game.

They are all collected here


Valve did not disclose the system of increasing and decreasing the ranks, so that the game was less boosters and smurfs, but by experience gamers were able to distinguish some of the aspsackets in the game, which will help increase the rank in CS:GO.


The system itself is very simple. More victories - the rank increases, frequent losses - the rank decreases.


But let's consider in detail, what to do to increase the rank?


Number of rounds won per match

If the winning team finishes the match with a score of 16:0, this increases the chance of a player to get a higher rank. If a player is eliminated or quits the match, it is considered a forfeit.




There is no need to copy the sights of pro-players - what fits one does not suit another. Look for the sight that fits only you.




Practice shooting in the Fight to the Death and Arms Race modes, not on maps with bots, because the mechanics of fighting there are significantly different from those that you will have in competitive games. You need to try every weapon in the game and understand its mechanics. Playing in these modes, you will eventually become aware of how weapons behave when clamping, tapping, and other styles of shooting.




Playing for each side should be a set of weapons that you are used to in all conditions. Limit yourself in your weapon purchases, find that rifle with which you can hone your skills and learn how it behaves. You should do the same with pistols and the rest of your weapons. 




It's important to pick one map! Learn the basic layout, locations, position names on it. Over time, you will multiply your playing skills on this map. A huge advantage of this point is that you will learn to feel the timing, which means you will know where the enemy will go, when to open, etc. See the guides for each individual card.




When playing defense you should choose one of the two captives and play only that one and tell your team that you are, for example, a fulcrum B. You need to know how to hold the enemy's rush, when to flush and other game tricks of the position.


Once you get a new rank, you get to the bottom of the rank, to increase it will need to win 3 games in a row. With each new victory your opponents get stronger, with each lost one they get weaker.


It is worth noting that if you play not five, the number of winning games increases. For one to 6, for two to three to 5, for four to 4.


Bottom line:

In order to raise your rank, you not only need to win games consistently, but you need to play them to the best of your ability. Do not relax anywhere, because your goal is not just to win, and wagering so that you uplifted.

No need to minimize the game after death or play music, etc., all your attention should be only in the game.

Do not throw emotions in the game.

Do not shoot at teammates.

Find a good team with the same rank.

Do not resort to the help of "boosters". Because of the booster you can get to a level higher than yours, which means that they will beat you and your rank will go down again.

After a player reaches the third in-game profile level and passes 10 calibration matches, the system determines the player's rank.


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