Apple has repeatedly been accused of deliberately slowing down old models of branded smartphones. Every other confirmation of this idea became located via chinese iPhone customers - and they posted curious commands on how to avoid the unfortunate trouble without converting the firmware and different "dancing with tambourines".
In advance the French government fined Apple for forcibly slowing down smartphones by using decreasing their CPU frequency. With the aid of courtroom selection, the yankee organisation became forced to disable the software regulations on the chip, although it persevered to insist that it negatively affects the autonomy of the telephone, the battery of which loses capability through the years.
A few iPhone owners from China have taken advantage of this "clever trick". In step with them, in case you alternate the country within the regional settings to France, the old iPhone simply starts offevolved running quicker. Thus, earlier than the "flow" iPhone 7 scored 286,632 points in AnTuTu, and after - 298,321 points. In keeping with the authors of the test, the increase in electricity is because of the accelerated overall performance of the processor.
It's far noteworthy that this feature is to be had best to owners of older models of Apple smartphones. For instance, the same motion carried out on the iPhone 12 pro did now not supply any seen result.
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