How women’s face Gender based violence and 3 ways to prevent from GBV

Gender based violence 

gender based violence is the baleful acts which an individual experience because of their gender , the gender based violence is rapidly increasing day by day ,As per to the reports of WHO one in three women face violence because of their gender the women's face violence in various forms like that can be physical , psychological,economical,and domestic violence .in physical violence the women face violence in form of , strucking , kicking , serious injuries , while In psychological violence the women experience aborptions because their partners want male child and if the child was born female then they want  the women to Aborpt it and the psychological violence can also be in form of threatening,in different organisations where women are working they are getting harassed, and degrading women , in the sexual violence the women are forced to participate in the sexual activity without their consult , and in the economical violence the men's want the women to give their salary to them so that they can enjoy the fruit of their salary and dominate women ,and in cultural violence the men are taught to be aggressive because it is their cultural that the mens will show aggressive behaviour to women then will be considered as superior in front of women 

3 ways to get rid of gender based violence

1 termination of gender discrimination 

it is the effective way to prevent from gender based violence because if there will be no discrimination between men and women then everyone will be treated commensurately and as a result no violence will be there.

2 strict policies 

the government should construct  strict policies against voilence under different sections and  immediately action should be taken for the prestige of women 

3 constructing organisations 

different organisations should be made where a women can fully confess her problems and public awareness should be given.


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