Indian Prophet Boy

Abigya Anand is a boy from India who predicted the COVID-19 pandemic a year before the coronavirus appeared. The young astrologer made a new prediction: in the spring of 2022, new viruses will appear, against which the created vaccines may be useless.

Aibige Anand became known all over the world after he was able to predict the appearance of the coronavirus a year before its appearance. Now Abigya Anand claims that 2021 will not be the final year in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, because in the spring of 2022, humanity will be attacked by new viruses, against which covid vaccines produced all over the world will be useless.

A 15-year-old Indian astrologer also made a forecast about the development of the world. He said that humanity will experience an economic crisis, and it will take a long time for a gradual recovery, Rambler reports.

Photo "Vaccines will be useless": Indian prophet Abigya Anand predicted the strongest virus in 20222

The prophecies of the Iranian hermit Salman Salehigudarza, who said: "The earth will be responsible for actions," are not too optimistic either. Elder Salman Salehigudarza warns the whole world about the danger posed by the unrestrained exploitation of the Earth's natural resources.

The famous Bulgarian fortune teller Vanga (real name Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova) is known and revered, she died a quarter of a century ago. And in 2022, Vanga did not predict big shocks to the world – neither wars nor new diseases. The year 2022 is expected to be quite calm and peaceful, and happiness, according to the clairvoyant, is quite possible.

Recall that in the summer of 2021, the strongest vaccine against the Indian strain of coronavirus was named by a virologist in an interview with


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