Interesting facts about the Seychelles

 The Seychelles is the smallest country in Africa, with a total area of only 455 square kilometers. In total, this tiny state consists of 115 islands, of which only 33 are inhabited. The largest island is Mahe. Its area is 142 square kilometers, which is almost a third of the whole country.


12 interesting facts about the Seychelles

Europeans discovered these islands at the very beginning of the XVI century, in 1502 there was an expedition of the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama. For many years after that only pirates visited the islands. Not surprisingly, even in our days there are many legends about buried here countless treasures, which attracts the attention of treasure hunters.

The first permanent settlements in the Seychelles appeared only in the middle of XVIII century, on Mahe and Praslin the French built plantations for growing expensive at the time spices - cloves, vanilla and cinnamon. It was at that time that the islands began to be called Seychelles, after Jean-Maurice de Séchelle, the French finance minister. Slave labor was widely used on the islands, which were imported from Madagascar and East Africa.

Since 1794 the islands belonged to Britain. The official right of the British to own the Seychelles was fixed in 1814 by the Treaty of Paris. Seychelles gained independence on June 29, 1976. Now this date is celebrated annually as Independence Day.

Seychelles has no mineral resources. The economy of the country is based on agriculture and tourism. More than half of all cultivated lands are occupied by coconut palm plantations. Also cinnamon and vanilla are grown for export. Also fishery is developed.

Tourism brings Seychelles about 70 percent of foreign exchange earnings, one in three local residents are employed in services. Favorable climate allows you to relax here all year round. An international airport has been operating here since 1972. Interestingly, the locals prefer to rest outside the Seychelles.

Isolation of the islands from the outside world has led to the fact that many plants are endemic, that is, are not found anywhere else. For example, only on two islands of the Seychelles archipelago (Praslin and Curieuse), you can meet the Seychelles palm. The height of the tree reaches 30 meters, and the weight of the fruit is up to 20 kilograms. Moreover, the fruit matures for a long time - from 7 to 10 years.

The population of the islands is not numerous - about 90 000 people. But, there are three official languages: English, French and Seychelles. The ethnic composition is very diverse, the islands are inhabited by descendants of Europeans, African peoples, as well as Arabs, Indians, Chinese. There are a lot of mestizos from mixed marriages.

The capital of Seychelles is Victoria, which is home to one-third of all islanders. It was founded back in 1841 and was named in honor of Queen Victoria of Great Britain. The British founded a port here, which operates to this day. The deep water bay allows

large vessels.

Unlike many other island nations, devastating typhoons and hurricanes are extremely rare in Seychelles. Suffice it to say that the last such disaster occurred more than 150 years ago - in 1862. It is because of its rarity that this event has been preserved in the local history.

There is no railway connection on the islands. However, because of the small area there is no need for it here. For the same reason there are not many cars here. To rent a car has the right only to the driver at least 25 years old, who has the right of international standard. In a huge number of tourists are offered bicycle rental. This type of transport is so popular that the bikes may not be enough for everyone.

On the island of Aldabra is inhabited by Seychelles giant tortoise. Its total population is estimated at 150,000 specimens. The turtle is called the national treasure of the Seychelles. On Aldabra is forbidden any economic activity, in the sixties, a project to build an air base on the island was rejected. Some of the turtles live up to 150 years, and the age of some long-livers can be up to two centuries.

The local currency is the Seychelles rupee, which is divided into 100 cents. The Seychelles' legislation is liberal - any foreign currency as well as the Seychelles rupees themselves can be imported and exported without restrictions. But the export of shells, coral and products from the shell of turtles is strictly prohibited. Almost all stores and hotels accept U.S. dollars. But, you can exchange currency only in official points.


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