Internet addiction and its causes

Internet addiction

Do you check your cell phone multiple times a day to check social media platforms or chat programs? Do you find yourself completely out of control over your online purchasing transactions? Does your teen spend long hours in front of the computer or tablet, affecting his academic level or social relationships? Beware, these may be signs of Internet addiction, and treatment may be necessary.


The concept of addiction has changed a lot from what it was in the past. Drug addiction, or even alcohol or nicotine addiction, is no longer the only form of addiction. But it developed until it came to Internet addiction. And here we mean addiction to any of the Internet content, whether social media platforms, chat programs, or even addiction to games. Internet addiction and its treatment become a necessity with the spread of technology.


What is internet addiction?

Internet addiction is a type of behavioral addiction, such as addiction to porn and video games, and it is a disease disorder that occurs in people who spend long useless hours in front of computer and smartphone screens and it is difficult to stay away from them. This disorder negatively affects the social life of the person and prevents him from practicing his normal life properly.


There is no person in the world currently who does not use the Internet continuously. But this does not mean that all Internet users daily are considered addicts. A person can not be considered an Internet addict unless this affects his daily activities such as work, sports, and social relations normally. This has a possibility of developing Internet addiction disorder and treating it the earlier the better the results.


Internet addiction and its causes lie in the fact that it provides solutions that users are looking for. For example, when a person feels lonely at any time of the day, he can communicate through chat programs with people he talks to. When a person does not have time to buy his needs from shops, he finds online shopping sites in front him to choose what he wants. And when a person is bored and wants to spend his time in electronic games and does not find anyone to play with, he finds on the Internet thousands of people who can play with him at any time, no matter where they are.


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