Is the island of Strongilla a lost Atlantis?

Plato wrote that Atlantis plunged into the depths of the sea and completely disappeared in just one day, as a result of an unprecedented earthquake and flooding. The tragedy on the island of "Roundabout" followed approximately the same scenario. Locals are used to powerful earthquakes, but once a volcano on the island simply exploded. The caldera resulting from the explosion was shaped like a broken ring, and its diameter was up to 10 kilometers. 

Strongilla became an archipelago of five different sized patches of land. Today they are covered by ash and frozen lava. The area of the largest of the formations called Santorini is 76 square kilometers. The other islands are smaller and less significant. 

It turns out that the Santorini Archipelago is a fragment of Strongyll, with a volcano at its center. Jacques-Yves Cousteau believed that these are the pieces of the world-famous sunken Atlantis. The researcher's belief is based on the works of the ancient Greeks Plato and Solon, as well as on his own scientific research. 


Tsunami washes away entire cities 

A volcanic explosion on the island of Strongilla caused a tsunami unseen in those places. A huge wave of about 100 meters high reached the island of Crete and completely destroyed all the cities on the coast. Volcanic ash covered an area of about 210 thousand square kilometers and destroyed the livestock and crops. 

Powerful earthquakes completed the catastrophe and the great civilization perished. The tsunami swept along the coast of Greece, damaging the northern part of Egypt. Everyone around the Mediterranean Sea was affected. 

In 2007, an excavation on the coast of Crete uncovered a veritable mess of a variety of marine life, pebbles, pottery and building material. This was further evidence that the tsunami, caused by a volcanic explosion, was the cause of the destruction of civilization. Later, American researchers conducted an in-depth analysis of the wood of individual conifers, and came up with evidence of a bygone heyday. 

The civilization that perished in the volcanic eruption was well developed. This is evidenced by a number of "preserved" evidences. In the process of archaeological excavations in the harbor of Santorini Island an entire city was discovered. The area of this settlement was approximately 1.5 sq. km. Scientists encountered houses of two and three stories with unique frescoes. 

Numerous ceramic vessels, utensils and various household utensils were found. But precious things, jewelry and skeletons could not be found. It is obvious that the force of the volcanic eruption increased gradually, so the local population had time to take the necessary measures and leave the danger zone. 

Part of the residents evacuated from the island, but some people stayed in their homes until the end. Presumably because of the volcano's action, the drinking water deteriorated and people were eventually forced to leave their homes. The islanders left Santorini, but there was still a tsunami waiting for them. 

The discovered city was declared the capital of Atlantis. It must be said that a number of domestic and foreign scientists support the hypothesis that Atlantis disappeared in the waters of the Aegean Sea. Along with Easter Island, Santorini is still one of the most mysterious geographical places...


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