Jake S Own Story as sees his world

This is Jake's own story, as he sees his world! I don't remember much about my early life, but my story really started about 14 weeks, when this wonderful couple came to where I was living, looking for a puppy. My earliest memories are of sitting in a corner of the hut, while four puppies rush to say “Hello”. They were the most beautiful blue merle collie chicks and I was just an old Border collie “black and white”. I told myself, “No one will ever want me,” and I stopped feeling lonely in my corner. To my surprise, however, I was the puppy that they had picked up to catch. "Okay", I thought… "I'll take full advantage of this and I hope they take me home", so I wrapped up as tight as I could and kissed the wet ones as much as possible. That was a winning step for me, because that is where my story really started and they took me home. I was determined that it would be a decision they would never regret, and I decided from that day on to be the best friend anyone could ever ask for. When we got to the house, where my new “Mom and Dad” lived. I felt a little lost sitting alone in the kitchen, with no other puppy to play with. But as the months went by I became more and more accustomed to the environment and began to enjoy my little life. "This is my place" I thought. However, I was a little hesitant, when it came time to learn how to go about one of those great things ... I was not so determined at first! Of course I tried hard not to give up, but as you can imagine, I did! In time, I had done everything from digging holes in the flower beds, helping with the “non-planting” of flowers and just being able to avoid falling into a fish pond, I realized that my new life would be better. When I say ... mmm !, let me think about this ... ohhh! I think I should have been twelve months old, everything in the house was packed in boxes. "What's going on here?" I thought, "Where's my box?" It turned out that my story was about to continue from a new home near the coast ... What a wonderful place that was. There are so many beautiful scenery in the middle of the heather, and there was also a place called "the sea". I wasn’t very sure about it at first, as I was wetting my feet, which was something I didn’t like at all (at first). But after a few walks, I began to realize that it was not a bad place. I could run and run and not really get anywhere, but that no longer mattered. Then one day to the surprise of everyone, I decided to be brave and get out of the water… Yippee !, I'm wetter than my feet now. "Hey, this is fun" I thought "I can actually swim". I longed to be taken to the sea even more as time went on. After a few years, though, everything was back in boxes. And we, I thought, where do we still come from? He did not have much time to wait. We moved to another house, but it was still near the sea. I'm almost 6 years old now, (I think!) And I'm sure I've always been a source of fun for "Mom and Dad" I think they have a file full of pictures and lots of fun memories ... so far it is! Life has been very good for me, so I am very grateful to my “Mom and Dad” for picking me up and taking me home that day. What I want to do now is grow old with them, review my story, from time to time and enjoy our life together for many years to come ...


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