Jungar hamster. Description, features, price, care and maintenance

Description and features

Jungar hamsters are a type of dwarf hamsters that are very popular in Europe and Asia as pets. The average body length reaches 10 cm and weighs 30-35 grams. The rodent has fur covered feet and a small almost imperceptible tail. Places of natural habitat: Dzungarian Alatau, Khakassia, and Western Siberia.


It is a nocturnal animal. During the day, the hamster sleeps in its burrow, and at night it goes out in search of food and patrolling the territory. During the night, he can cover dozens of kilometers. The hamster not only eats greens and fruits of plants, he does not mind to regale himself with small insects.


Jungar hamsters are territorial animals. As soon as the animal enters another's territory, it will be immediately attacked. That is why you cannot keep two or more hamsters in one cage. Separate them into different cages at four weeks of age.

Description and features

Jungar hamsters are a type of dwarf hamsters that are very popular in Europe and Asia as pets. Average body length reaches 10 cm, and weight - 30-35 grams. The rodent has fur covered feet and a small almost imperceptible tail. Places of natural habitat: Dzungarian Alatau, Khakassia, and Western Siberia.

It is a nocturnal animal. During the day, the hamster sleeps in its burrow, and at night it goes out in search of food and patrolling the territory. During the night, he can cover dozens of kilometers. The hamster not only eats greens and fruits of plants, he does not mind to regale himself with small insects.

Jungar hamsters are territorial animals. As soon as the animal enters another's territory, it will be immediately attacked. That is why you cannot keep two or more hamsters in one cage. You should place them in different cages at four weeks of age.

Hamsters are capable of inflicting terrible wounds to one another, and often the fight ends in the death of one of the animals. Therefore, only one hamster can be kept in one cage.


Nutrition considerations

The water bowl of the cage should be balloon or vacuum type. Water should be changed every day for fresh water. It is not necessary to put a bowl of water in the cage. Jungar hamster may get wet in it, freeze and fall sick. To get the hamster accustomed to the ball drinker, at first its spout can be smeared with cucumber.

Since almost all Jungar hamsters, which are widely distributed as pets, have a touch of Campbell hamster blood, Jungar hamsters are also prone to diabetes. Only purebred jungar hamsters, which are very difficult to acquire, do not have this tendency. Therefore, to prevent the disease, the rodent's diet should exclude vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of sugar. These can include: carrots, pumpkin, apple, peach, strawberries, raspberries and others. You should not give corn.

There should be two feeders in the cage: one for dry food and the other for wet food. Dry balanced feed can be bought in stores. Preference should be given only to high quality, not cheap food recommended by breeders. Cheap foods are often unbalanced.


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