Lemon Pancakes by Jessica Harris


1/2 cup flour

4 eggs

200 g ricotta

200 ml Parmalat CHEF 23% cream

2 tablespoons butter

4 tbsp. sugar

1/2 tbsp grated lemon zest

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 tsp. salt

oil for frying


300 ml cream of 23%

4 egg yolks

100g sugar

1 tsp. vanilla extract


For the vanilla sauce, whisk the egg yolks with the sugar and vanilla extract in a bowl, add the cream and whisk in a water bath until fluffy. Allow to cool.


For the dough, separate the whites from the yolks. Whisk the whites to stiff peaks.


Mix the lightly melted butter, egg yolks, cream and ricotta until smooth. Add the flour, sugar, salt and lemon zest and mix well. Stir whipped whites into the batter.


Preheat a non-stick frying pan and grease with vegetable oil. Bake thin pancakes on both sides.


Arrange the pancakes on plates and pour the sauce over them. Serve with fresh berries.


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