Love life and be happy!!!!

Habits are formed over the course of a lifetime and some habits make us feel good and feel great, while others can greatly shorten our years of life. When a person is well into their 60s, it is very difficult to change them and instill in them certain principles of life. But, I know for a fact that if you are told with absolute certainty that certain habits can extend your life by 20-30 years, it is still worth straining a little.


Now I'm going to list these simple rules that are available to everyone.


Don't overeat


Moderation in eating - the key to good health at any age. Especially, if you are already over 60, the excessive eating can severely compromise your health. This and problems with excess weight and digestion problems, which in turn provoke the development of many chronic diseases.


Try to stick to three meals a day and eliminate all kinds of snacks. Because of the table should get up with a sense of light hunger. One meal should not include several dishes at once, as is customary in the dining room.



Go to bed earlier than 12 o'clock.


Doctors say that if you go to bed earlier than midnight, it is very good for your body. This kind of sleep helps your hormonal system function properly and reduces the stress levels that everyone faces to one degree or another at the end of the day.


One of the most famous athletes A. Schwarzenegger said that many people two hours before going to sleep doing all sorts of useless things, and this is a great excuse to go to bed earlier. That way you are guaranteed an early rise and the opportunity to do a lot of things before dinner.


It's not a good idea to watch a lot of TV or sit on your phone or computer before you go to bed. You can listen to light classical music or have a relaxing session with the sounds of nature.




I always knew that physical activity in any form contributes to the normalization of a large number of important processes in the body. This is a healthy sleep, good digestion, and excellent work of the hormonal system, and a healthy heart. Agree even this "modest" list of positive effects is enough to include physical activity in one's habits.


As for the elderly, only regular exercise can prolong the life of your bones, joints and muscles. Only you should do it under the supervision of an experienced specialist.


Eat vegetables


All you need to know about vegetables is a lot of fiber and a lot of vitamins.


No pills can digest as well as fresh vegetables. There are experts who say that vitamins in pill form are not absorbed by the body at all.


Fiber, which is found in large quantities in vegetables, improves intestinal function, removes toxins from the body. Fiber helps rejuvenate our body and prolongs the life of many organs.


Give up sugar


Modern man is completely addicted to sugar. You can take it as a world conspiracy, but it is food producers who have hooked a man on sweets. And yet, doctors believe that the norm of sugar for humans is 20-30 grams per day. Imagine how small that is compared to what we consume. Even a person who hardly ever eats sweets in one form or another consumes this norm.


The main negative effects of ingesting sugar are borne by the cardiovascular system. The heart is our engine. If you manage to prolong the life of this ogre, consider that you have already added 20 years to your term.


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