Lucky Ornamental Plants, Do You Have at Home?

Having a collection of ornamental plants in the room can help purify the surrounding air and increase the humidity in the area. Not only that, taking care of plants indoors can also help you reduce stress. According to Feng Shui theory, certain plants are able to help balance the water element and can transfer negative energy. Not only can make the room more beautiful, it turns out that some plants are believed to be able to bring luck, prosperity and love. Some types of ornamental plants that can bring good luck:

1. Orchid Plants

Orchid flowers are often the target of ornamental plant lovers because of their beauty. Not only beautiful to look at, it turns out that in Feng Shui, orchids can increase the luck in the family. In addition, orchids are believed to have a positive effect on the luck of romance, peace for those who see it and can strengthen the relationship of family members. Ancient Greek tradition also believes that this plant has a connection with fertility or fertility. In another sense, orchid plants are perfect for recently married couples. Some orchid plants that are easy to care for are the Paphiopedilum and Phalaenopsis orchids. Plain white orchids are believed to bring a sense of calm and peace, while orchids with bright colors are said to increase passion, energy and creativity.

2. Paper Flowers or Bougenville

This plant is called a paper flower because of its thin flower shape resembling paper. Bright red flowers symbolize a heart full of love. Bougenville flowers or often known as paper flowers are believed to be able to bring lasting and loving relationships in the family. In addition, this plant is also beneficial for health, because it can treat hepatitis to female problems.

3. Peace Lily Plants

The peace lily plant is considered a good plant for the room because it can clean the air and evoke harmony. In the science of Feng Shui it is said that this plant belongs to the type of hockey-carrying plant. As the name implies, this peace lily plant is a symbol of peace. The large green leaves give an elegant impression and the brilliant white flowers are believed to create a pleasant atmosphere and purify the air.

4. Lilies

Next, there are lilies that enter the ornamental plants in front of the house that bring good luck. This plant is indeed very suitable if placed in the yard area or in pots stored around the terrace. Lilies are believed to bring good luck because they have a positive aura. In addition, this one flower also provides a fragrant aroma that can spread positive energy for visiting guests.

5. Lotus Flower

There is a Buddhist saying that describes the miraculous existence of the lotus flower: "Without mud, there is no lotus." The lotus roots are in the mud at the bottom of the pond. However, he is still able to display very beautiful flowers. This is a metaphor that shows the human journey towards the bright spot. The lotus flower is considered sacred in some Asian cultures. In fact, this plant is used as a symbol of perfect peace and harmony. If you have a pond in front of the house, please beautify it with lotus flowers. Because the lotus flower is believed to bring happiness, prosperity and a harmonious atmosphere in the household.

6. Sunflower

Sunflowers have different meanings around the world. However, this beautiful yellow flower has a positive meaning, strength, admiration and loyalty. In Chinese culture, sunflowers are believed to be a symbol of good luck and eternal happiness. That's why we often encounter sunflowers when we are graduating or when starting a new business.

7. Jade Plant or Jade Plant

The jade plant is an ornamental plant that can be placed in front of the house as a hockey-carrying plant. This plant is believed to be able to provide success and prosperity. Jade is believed to bring wealth and success to pay for all your hard work. This plant will grow into a small tree if planted in the right environment. There are several types of jade plants and all of them are believed to bring good luck. Therefore, jade plants are often given to new businessmen as gifts.

8. Water Bamboo Plant

If you have a pond in the front area of ​​the house or garden of the building, in addition to lotus flowers, you can also plant water bamboo plants. Water bamboo is believed to be able to bring happiness and prosperity to the residents of the house. This plant is also believed to be able to repel negative energy that comes from outside the house. Although water bamboo is less popular than bamboo plants, its small size can be used to store it easily. You can keep it indoors with a pot and place it near the window.

9. Pilea Plants

The pilea plant which has the Latin word pilea peperomioides or other names chinese money plant is believed to bring good luck. In addition, this plant can also beautify the room in the house. This popular plant of choice for Feng Shui has also become a well-known plant among Scandinavian design enthusiasts and is a favorite plant in Norway. Apart from bringing hockey, pilea plants are very easy to care for and grow well.

10. Anthurium Flower

These colorful heart-shaped blooms can make any room feel comfortable and beautiful. Anthurium flowers are believed to bring joy and happiness wherever they are. This flower is associated with high feelings of love and friendship. In Feng Shui it is also said that this hockey-carrying plant can also bring luck in your relationship.

11. Bonsai Plants

Bonsai trees are believed to be able to create very good energy for one person. As for others, bonsai trees can be bad Feng Shui. The symbolic level of Feng Shui will be decisive when you have to believe in your own feelings about certain items in your home. In essence, you must know what is being said about the Feng Shui of bonsai trees.

12. Palm Plant

Palm ornamental plants are very easy to get and have a variety of sizes and shapes that can be adapted to your needs. It turns out, keeping palm plants in certain corners of the home page can complement the missing elements of Feng Shui. Palms are capable of absorbing negative chemicals such as formaldehyde and xylene from new equipment or carpets. So, apart from being a lucky plant, palm plants are also good for maintaining the health of family members.

Those are some lucky ornamental plants that can decorate the corners of the house or yard. Hopefully the information above can be a reference for those of you who are looking for ornamental plants.


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