Making money by selling communities on various social networks

Where is the best place to create communities for sale?

It is worth working with the most popular platforms, and these are: Instagram, Telegram, Vkontakte, TikTok, and YouTube.

How do you quickly create and design a community/page/channel?

You need to choose a social network that you like. For example, create a channel in Telegram. When creating a channel, choose any popular topic. For example, "earnings and investments". Go to Yandex or Google and find any articles on earning. Just copy them and place them on your channel. You can also use forums or Telegram channels with content similar to your theme.

Don't forget to choose a nice logo for your channel. Similarly, you can create a community in any social network. As for YouTube or TikTok, you need to upload unique videos here. Take any video from the internet and download it. Process it in a video editor. Just add an effect to it. Then post it in TikTok or on YouTube. 

Where can I get new subscribers? 

There are a lot of online addiction services. For example, you can enter "Telegram subscribers boosting" into your search and you will see many sites that provide this service. But there is one tricky part. Such recruitment may not be very profitable. For example, you spend 300 rubles on recruitment, and then sell the community for 350. Is it worth it? Rather no than yes. 

Despite this, many sellers of communities are satisfied with this, and they work for minimal profit. You can understand them, they are trying to sell as much as possible and their prosperity depends on high volumes.

Where to buy subscribers at a price lower than the market?

If you scroll subscribers at a price 2-3 times lower than the market, then the profit from the sale will be more 2-3 times. All services that are represented at the top of Yandex issuance, ordering stuffing from wholesalers, and sell it for 2-3 times more expensive. This is built on their profits, you should look in this direction. Look at the screenshot below, this is a site for wholesale orders of subscribers. Notice the prices:

As you can see, the cost of 1 thousand low quality subscribers is only 80 rubles (8 rubles per 100 subscribers), and the price of high quality subscribers is 190 rubles per 1000 subscribers (19 rubles per 100 subscribers). This is not the most profitable example for us, there are even cheaper prices. Google and look through as many similar services as you can to find the most profitable one.

How much can I earn?

Instagram accounts with 1000 subscribers cost from 200 to 1000 rubles and even more. You can sell at the minimum price in order to be able to sell faster and as much as possible. But we don't advise you to set the price too low, because this can drive the customer away. 

For example, you can get 1000 subscribers for 80 rubles and put it up for 200-250 rubles. Your profit will be 120-140%. This is a very high margin and such a business is considered very profitable. At high volumes you can earn up to 50 thousand rubles a month, and even more. The main thing to start, and you can start with a little. 

Important nuance. Do not forget to nakruchivat their communities a little bit of likes and views. This will take 5-10 rubles, no more. Just everything should look natural. 

In general, people understand that they buy communities with clicked subscribers. It's just better for them than starting from scratch. And you're helping them with that. So there's no cheating on your part. But it's still better to keep quiet about it.

Where to sell? 

You already know how to quickly fill communities (pages) and channels. You know how to gain (buy) subscribers. Now we're talking about selling. There are specialized exchangers, for example, here are two popular:

You can google and find even more such exchanges.

Post their communities on these (and other) exchanges. Before that look at what people are selling there and at what prices. Sometimes communities are sold on the very first day. There were times that I managed to sell the community in the first 2 hours at a profit of 300%. But sometimes you have to wait for several days. In isolated cases, even a week. 

If you offer a lot of communities of different topics, then they will be sold more often. In principle, such trade can be compared with Avito. But you still want to sell faster and work with larger volumes. In this case, you should sell your communities additionally on foreign exchanges. The foreign market is much larger and communities are sold there faster.

Popular foreign exchanges for buying and selling Instagram accounts: 

Example of Instagram account prices on the Socialtrad exchange

As you can see, overseas prices are more favorable. Given only the top four exchangers, it will be enough for you to start. If you trade in the CIS and abroad, your business will go much faster. 

Overseas exchanges have their own characteristics of the market. You can sell communities there at a higher price. And what about the knowledge of the language? Open these exchangers in Yandex. Browser or Google and it will translate these sites.

As for content for foreign communities. Take articles from foreign sites, or translate our articles in Yandex/Google translator. 

Bottom line:

Now you know that you can add subscribers much cheaper than most services offer (and really just resell). And you know that you should not limit yourself to the CIS market. You can start in this business with very small investments. When I started earning on it, I made two Telegam channels and one Instagram account. I spent 500 rubles on it. I decided to just test this niche. As a result, sold three of these communities for a total of 2,000 rubles. After that money made 10 more communities and sold them for 6,000 rubles. It's all to the point that I advise you not to spend the money you earned on something, and then reinvest in the same niche and expand.


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About Author

My name is Dmitry, I have been writing articles professionally for more than a year. I write fairy tales and poems - this is one of my areas of activity, my services are very high quality, I can write one article up to 4000 characters, and if there are several, then 7000, and I also promote accounts in social networks As I said, the services are good and therefore the prices are appropriate. You will come back to me again and again.