In this article we will talk not only about all known busses and earnings on them, but also about how profitable to bring in their referrals and earn passively on the fact that they work.
Let's explain what is the referral system of bux by the example of Aviso bux (but you can use any other bux). Referral program of this boux offers us the following conditions:
Let's take the average income of 50% of first-level referrals to tasks. If you have 1000 active referrals on a similar project, then at their turnover of tasks per day for 20000 rubles (it's only 20 rubles per day for one, the average amount of earnings of 200 rubles per day, but few people are willing to work so much, so we take the minimum amount of only 20 rubles), then your percentage of income for these referrals will average 5% (as 50% of the earnings are not the site income), which is 1000 rubles a day on a full passive.
Methods of attracting referrals:
Theoretically, these very methods are only two: passive and active. To begin with, you need to choose something one according to your capabilities, but it will be better if you combine both options.
Passive method:
Posting topics and articles about earning on forums and sites, referral links in signatures and profiles (the place in your user profile, which is reserved for information "about yourself"), buying advertising banners and contextual advertising on visited resources.
Active method:
Most suitable for bloggers and site owners, as well as people who know some of the secrets of making money from clicks. The essence is as follows: you provide people with professional advice on the chosen activity and all kinds of assistance in return for their participation in the project under your referral link.
In general, if we take into account the fact that the placement of advertising information on the Internet, it takes much more effort than it seems at first glance, the passive method can be easily equated with the active one. For example, wandering the vastness of the Internet, all sorts of sites and blogs, you could often see a lot of banners and contextual inserts. Do you think that all this was placed by advertisers? Wrong, sometimes webmasters themselves install on their site promotional materials containing their referral links. And if you add to this well-written text, in which the owner of the resource offers its help to newcomers, it turns out that the passive and active methods are combined.
Here are some examples of how you can induce a potential referral to register and work further in the system of active advertising:
The process of attracting referrals:
Access to "elite" tasks:
It's no secret that advertisers pay the most money for the performance of tasks, so the most expensive of them are always sorted, and the novice remains a penny low-paying jobs. You can also prove yourself as an experienced mentor by explaining to him how and where you can get higher-paying jobs compared with regular ones. Do not forget that the more referral will earn, the more you will earn. For example, you can send your referrals an archive with links to assignments via internal mail.
Probably the best way to promote referral links. The point is that you return to your referral a portion of the profit you made for his labors. Although you will get a little less than by attracting users "for nothing", the chance that the person will work on the project for a long time significantly increases, those who are looking for offers to return referral commission, in most cases, are set up for serious work. Even greater effect can be achieved by setting minimum limits on the amount of payment. By this you will give referrals additional motivation, because any bonus must be worked off.
Advertising in advertising:
Few people have thought of this yet, so hurry up and use it. Where do you think the best place to find referrals to work in active advertising systems? Of course, in these systems themselves. Making a small investment or using the money you've clicked, working on your own, you can create your own paid task, at the end of which you will pay a certain amount for registration on a more profitable busses and doing it a few simple actions. Your initial investment should pay off quickly, because users will quickly notice the difference and will go to work on more favorable terms or will combine them.
Software for the work on beeches:
In order for a person to become just your referral, you have to try to create the most comfortable working conditions for him. Collecting all kinds of software for "scoring" clicks or, if there is an ability, writing your own program, you can share it with the attracted users, who will pass it to their referrals and so on, down the chain. You will be at the top of the system and get a fat percentage of it all. You can increase the interest of users to the program if you make a video, clearly demonstrating the work of the software on the example of a well-known mailing list or surfing site. In fact, similar software is in the public domain, you can just google something like: "software for bookmails" and you'll find a lot of different software. Then you can just share it with your referrals.
If you have tried all of the methods presented here but haven't got any referrals, then the last option is to buy them with the help of an exchange, which is built into some bookmates.
The problem is that next to active users, who after some time will pay back the cost of their purchase, there are inactive (passive) ones, paying for them is like trying to play roulette - maybe they will come back and continue working, but maybe they won't come back. If you pay attention to the following signs, you can reduce the risk of a bad investment:
1) Referral rating. The higher it is, the higher quality exposed lots and a greater chance of payback. The cost, respectively, also increases.
2) The date of registration and the last activity. If a referral is for sale just a few days after registration, you should refrain from buying it, because it can be a clone of the seller, created with the aim of making a quick profit.
3) The schedule of visits to the exchange and the daily online. What we need from an employee, above all, is stability and diligence. If he goes to the site at least once every 2-3 days and for half an hour engaged in clicks, you can safely buy it.
4) The number of clicks and completed tasks. There is no point in taking those who have not showed themselves properly.
5) We should separately mention people who already have their own referral network. The purchase of such a user can seriously hurt your pocket, but in the long term will bring dividends.
Also there is one more way to attract referrals, it is simple but costly. You need referrals on different bookmates. And for this we use an algorithm:
Place a task on the first beech to register at your link to the second beech and completed the task, and the second beech in the same way about the first beech and so on. Thus, you can take a grid of beeches and ferry a bunch of people to different beeches and only a week to gain the cherished thousand active workers in beeches.
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