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How Nutrition Affects Potency

To protect the heart, maintain proper sexual function and normal functioning of the nervous system is necessary to contain a sufficient amount of omega-3 and omega-6 acids in the diet. Most of these substances are found in wheat sprouts, nuts, oily fish.


The menu should include products that are rich in vitamins and trace elements involved in the production of testosterone, sperm production. Such substances include vitamin C, selenium, zinc. The need for them increases several times in the presence of men with bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking).


Products to increase potency

Products that increase potency include oysters, which are called strong aphrodisiacs of natural origin. The benefits of clams are due to the content in their composition of a large number of amino acids and organic zinc. When you consume oysters, the quality of sperm improves, and the production of testosterone is activated. But it is not recommended to eat oysters too often. European and Chinese scientists proved that the constant consumption of oysters may have a negative effect on the reproductive function.


Products that increase the potency in men, saturate the body with useful trace elements, vitamins, substances that have a positive effect on sexual function. Among them are the turnip seeds. From them you can prepare a special mixture according to the following recipe:


Boiled grated turnips are mixed with grated carrots in the proportion 1:1.

Then you should add 1 dessert spoon of honey. The ready remedy is taken 60 grams three times a day. The positive effect of such a mixture will not keep you waiting.

When using food for potency it is worth remembering about the existing contraindications. For example, it is recommended to refuse to include turnips in the diet in the case of cholecystitis, hepatitis, during exacerbation of inflammatory bowel diseases.



Products to increase potency should be eaten regularly. This is especially true for nuts, which are rich in magnesium, zinc, vitamins E and B. These substances have a beneficial effect on the male sexual system. The composition of nuts also contains arginine. It activates the process of producing nitric oxide - a substance that is necessary for a stable erection.


To treat potency problems in the daily diet include a variety of nuts: hazelnut, almond, cashew, peanut, etc. Each of them has a unique composition and properties, but equally beneficial to the body.


Pumpkin seeds contain all the necessary substances required for normal physical health of men. Regular use of this product serves as an excellent prevention of many pathologies that negatively affect erectile ability.


Pumpkin seeds, prunes, apricots and walnut kernels are crushed in equal proportions. In the resulting mixture, add a little honey. To spice up the remedy, cumin, sesame or anise are used. The mixture with pumpkin seeds should be taken daily: twice a day. This remedy is consumed after meals.

Pumpkin seeds are ground with a meat grinder. In the resulting mixture is added half a cup of honey. Then it is necessary to make from it small balls. Subsequently, such a ball is eaten daily after half an hour after meals.

70 grams of pumpkin seeds, 100 grams of butter and 100 ml of honey are thoroughly mixed and placed in a closed container in the cold. Three small spoons of the remedy, consumed in a day, will have a powerful effect on an erection.

On the basis of pumpkin seeds you can also prepare a therapeutic decoction. For this purpose, two cups of the product are calcined in a hot pan, crushed with a knife. In the resulting mixture add a liter of boiling water, cook it over low heat for 10-15 minutes. When the decoction is infused, it is strained, a large spoonful of honey is added. Freshly prepared decoction is consumed 2 times a day.


What foods reduce the potency?

It is worth talking about what products reduce potency in men. Alcohol has a negative impact on the sexual performance of the stronger sex. Alcoholic beverages have a negative effect on erections.


The products that reduce the potency in men should also include soybeans, cereals and legumes. The negative effect on potency is caused by the presence of phytoestrogens in their composition.


There are also many products that reduce potency with caffeine. That is why you should avoid energy drinks, coffee and tea. An increase in the amount of caffeine in the blood leads to a decrease in the level of the male hormone in the body. This fact is confirmed by numerous studies carried out by scientists from different corners of the globe.


Nutrition for potency in men also involves the use of a variety of spices. Nutmeg, ginger, fenugreek, cinnamon and hot pepper increase sensuality and increase blood circulation. In addition, the inclusion of these spices in a diet for potency has a positive effect on the immune system, increases efficiency.


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I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead

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