Manul Animal

The wild cat Pallas' cat is a predatory representative of small cats in the feline family. 

The manul is an interesting and unusual animal. The manul cat is intelligent, cautious, and secretive. The animal manul is also called a pallas cat. 

In this article you will find a description of the Pallas' cat and its photos, and you can learn a lot of interesting things about the amazing animal with the mysterious name Pallas' cat.

You can start the description of the Pallas' cat manul with its appearance. Pallas' cat looks like an ordinary cat, only bigger and fluffier. The size of the Pallas' cat is from 50 to 65 cm with a tail length of up to 30 cm. Weighs between 2 and 5 kg Pallas' cats. The wild cat Pallas' cat differs from the average cat by its more massive body, short strong paws and very thick pole. By the way, a manul's six can reach a length of 7 cm. Pallas' cat has the fluffiest and thickest fur among the felines.

In the description of the Pallas' cat, it should be noted the rather surly appearance of this cat, which makes it quite memorable. The Pallas' cat looks stern due to the peculiar "sideburns" on its cheeks, which are formed by tufts of long hair. The Pallas' cat has a wide flattened head and small, widely spaced rounded ears. Pallas' eyes are very expressive and yellow in color.

Surprisingly, the pupils of the eyes of these cats, in contrast to the pupils of domestic cats, do not narrow in bright light, but remain round. Wild Pallas' cat has a long fluffy tail with a rounded tip. The coloration of the Pallas' cat is combined and is represented by a range of light gray and yellowish-brown colors.

The Pallas' cat has an unusual appearance. Since the tips of his hair are colored white, it looks as if a Pallas' cat's fur is powdered with snow or covered with frost. The rear part of the body and tail have narrow transverse stripes of dark color. Black stripes stretch from the corners of the eyes and along the sides of the muzzle, and there are specks of dark color on the forehead. The lower part of the animal's body is brown with a white patina. The tip of the tail is colored black. The Pallas' cat has sharp teeth and claws.

How does the manul live and what does it eat?

The manul lives in a fairly harsh climate, with low temperatures and abrupt changes in the weather. The manul animal prefers low snow cover, as its short paws do not allow it to move through deep snow. Therefore, the wild cat manul is most abundant in areas with little snow.

Pallas' cat lives in steppes and semi-desert areas of mountains, choosing places with thickets of bushes, the presence of rock placers and rock cracks. In the mountains, the Pallas' cat rises up to 3-4.5 km above sea level. In lowlands and the forest belt it is rare.

The Pallas' cat lives sedentary and solitary, usually being active at dusk and early morning. During the day, he sleeps, hiding in a shelter. The wild manul makes shelter under rocks, in old burrows of marmots, foxes and badgers, as well as in small caves and rock crevices. Pallas' cat is a territorial predator that jealously guards its territory and does not like visitors, so it drives away any unwanted visitor.

The coloring of the Pallas' cat serves this wild cat as a kind of camouflage, which helps him in hunting and allows him to remain unnoticed by his prey. However, Pallas' cat is one of the slowest and slowest representatives of the feline family. But excellent eyesight and hearing allow him to be a skilled trapper.

Pallas' cat eats a variety of rodents and pika. Occasionally, the manul feeds on hares, birds, gophers and marmots. The manul catches its prey by stealth. It waits for its prey near burrows or stalks its prey hiding near rocks, and then attacks it with a quick dash. This wild cat is very cautious when hunting. Pallas' cat cannot run fast, so the chase of prey is not his game. In summer, the manul feeds on various large insects, in case there is a shortage of rodents.

Despite its severe appearance, the Pallas' cat is not aggressive. The Pallas' cat has almost no enemies, only wolves and large birds of prey pose a danger to this wild cat. Pallas' cat is not the kind of animal that rushes to showdown and fight back to the enemy. This cat tries to flee and hide in a shelter. But when a Pallas' cat is caught unawares and there is no escape route to a shelter, he starts snorting menacingly and showing his sharp teeth.

Pallas' Pallas' Cat

Pallas' cats reproduce once a year, and they have the ability to do it at the age of 10 months. The mating season is in February-March. In case of competition, the right to a female goes to the strongest of the males. Pallas' cat's pregnancy lasts about 2 months, during which time the female makes the den.

The pups begin to see on the 10th-12th day, the female feeds the cubs with milk and takes care of them. At about 3-4 months, they will go hunting for the first time. Pallas' cat kittens grow quickly and reach adult size by 6-8 months. The Pallas' cat lives an average of 11-12 years.


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