Meaning of kinesiology this is for education

The word kinesiology' is derived from the Greek word 'kinesis' means 'motion and lagos means to discourse' or 'to study. Thus, kinesiology' means the study of motion. Kinesiology is the branch of physiology that studies mechanics and anatomy in relation tohuman movement. Kinesiolagy addresses physiological, biomechanical and paych we cannot understand kinesiology. The following definitions can help to understand the mechanisms of movement. Witout appropriate knowledge of anatomy and meaning of kinesiology.




1. Kinesiology is the science dealing with the interrelationship of physiological proce and anatomy of the human body with respect to movement." 2. American kinesiology Association defines kinesiology as, "the academic disciple which involves the study of physical activity and its impact on health, society and


3. Kinesiology can be defined as the science that deals with organized system of information related to motion. It is the study of scientific principles of movement learn about motor performances. So, study of kinesiology is a constituent part of the learning experience of students of physical education, training athletes and coaches In fact, kinesiology comprisses sub-disciplines of exercise physiology, biomechanice, a and exercise psycholog athletic training sports medicine, sports administration, physical education, fitness and health promotion.Kinesiology focuses on the mechanical concepts related to human movement which is beneficial for every individual even in their daily activities.


2. It is helpful in the promotion of health because kinesiologists are also engaged in providing fitness facilities, personal training, corporate wellness facilities, et 3. It is beneficial for individuals with disabilities as it assists them to learn about their optimal physical function.

4. It provides knowledge to athletic trainers who strive to prevent athletes from suffering injuries.

5. It is helpful in improving sports performance by learning how to analyse the movements of the human body and to discover their underlying principles

6. It helps to understand the relationship between human structure and function;


7. It provides knowledge regarding efficient movements to achieve optimal qualityof function

8. The knowledge of kinesiology is essential for making safe movements during the game. 


9. The knowledge of kinesiology is beneficial to use movements for therapy. 10. It helps to evaluate exercise.


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