Mental health matters

"Mental health matters."

Why students need to prioritise their well-being.


In recent times, the term "mental health" has grown as a very hot topic of discussion in the whole world. It has an impact on everyone, but nowadays it is very common for young people, especially. Due to the increased pressure to succeed academically as well as socially on the shoulders of the young ones, they are facing high levels of anxiety and stress than ever before. In this blog, I'll try to explore the importance of mental health, especially for students, and provide some useful tips for prioritising one's wellbeing.


The importance of mental health for students.


Mental health is an essential component of one's overall health and wellbeing. Studies have shown that students who prioritise their mental health and space are more likely to have better academic performance, improved relationships between their friends and teachers and possess a more positive vision on life, in comparison to those who don't.


However, many students, nowadays, neglect their mental health while thinking about academic and social responsibilities, and compare themselves to others. This mindset and thinking could lead to poor academic performance, chances of burnout, and even mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression, which eventually result in making the decision of suicide by the student.


Tips for prioritising mental health as a student


Below are some useful tips for students to prioritise and improve their mental state.


1. Identifying the signs of stress: If you're feeling anxious about something, overwhelmed or burnt out for any reasons, it's important to identify these signs and take some easy steps to manage your stress levels. This may include: taking regular breaks, exercising daily or adapting different relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.


2. Don't hesitate to ask for support.: Don't be afraid to reach out to your loved ones, family, friends or a professional if you're suffering. Talking about your problems to someone can help you feel less depressed and provide you with all the assistance you need for your betterment.


3. Self-care: Your physical health is as important as your mental health. Improving your physical health can have a huge impact on your mental state, such as eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep etc. Additionally, engaging in activities you like to enjoy, such as your hobbies or spending time with your loved ones, can help you feel more balanced and fulfilled.


4. Setting limits: It's important to set a certain limit or some boundaries for yourself and learn to say no when it is required. This can include setting limits on social media usage, taking some breaks from studies or sometimes declining social invitations when you feel you need to give time to yourself.




Mental health plays a vital role in the life of a human being and it is really important, especially for students to prioritise their mental health and state in order to thrive in their lives. Schools and universities should promote the awareness of this issue and provide the necessary assistance for the same if needed. By this, students can achieve their life goals and help create a better world to live in. Remember, MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS!!!


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