Merchant NAVY and fields of the Merchant NAVY

Merchant Marine is a global industry that offers some of the best career opportunities on various types of ships (as well as on land). Unlike all other fields, the merchant marine offers jobs that not only require special knowledge and training, but also require a lot of mental and physical strength. Merchant Marine jobs mainly involve working on various ships as officers, engineers or crew. These are the main three departments of almost all types of ships and they work together to ensure the smooth running of the ship and its operation. If you are looking for a career in the Merchant Navy, you have three departments to choose from.

1. Nautical department

2. Engine department

3. Crew 


A course in one of the above departments is a "stepping stone" to a successful naval career. To join mechanical department you need to complete marine engineering course which is four year degree course or diploma course (as offered in your country). If you are a mechanical engineer, you can become a marine engineer after completing the required course and training (Graduate Engineering or GME course).

 You can also do a marine engineering course after one year of mechanical engineering as an equivalent. (This device will depend on the country you live in) After completing your marine engineering degree you will join the ship as

 Trainee / Fifth Engineer and then progress through the rating system as  Fourth Engineer -> Third Engineer -> Second Engineer -> Chief Engineer.

 To join the Deck department, you must complete a BSc course. in Marine Science which is a 3/4 year course. The Naval Science course prepares you to become a ship's officer. After completing the Naval Science course, you will join the ship as a 

trainee / deck cadet and then progress through the rank system as = Third Officer / Officer -> Second Officer / Officer -> Chief Officer / Officer - >> Captain. 

The engine department has ratings. Their order is as follows: 

1. Motorman 

2. Wiper / Trainee wiper

3. Trainee Fitter

In the Salon department

1. Steward 

2. cook chef

Apart from officers, each depart also has ratings (also called deck ratings). Their ranking is as below.

1. Bosun


3.Able-Bodied Seaman (AB)

4.Ordinary Seaman (OS)

5.Trainee OS 


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