Mercury Retrograde in Aries April 2024

Mercury Retrograde April 2024 

Pre-Shadow Period: March 19 

Retrograde : April 1, 2024 27°13’ ♈ 5;14 pm EST

Station Direct: April 25, 2024 15°59’ ♈ 7:54 am EST

Post- Shadow Period: May 13


The last time that Aries went retrograde was March 2018.  


 To get a better view of how this retrograde might affect us, we can view the past and what kind of things have happened. Let's look at the United States for instance. In 2018 in the United states it was a year that had a lot of political upheaval. There were also a handful of events that lined up with the Mercury retrograde and Mars energy. Many injuries, shootings, and even a cyber attack! On the Chart of the United States Aries rules the 4th house of home, home roots, home land, family. We in the United States also have our Chiron there which we didn't really touch until after the Mercury retrograde in March 2018, which probably brought a lot of healing to our country with upheaval about the catastrophic events that occurred. Let’s take a look at some of the major events of the Aries Rx of 2018.  


March 2018 Shadow period 

3/15/18 - Florida International University Pedestrian bridge collapsed 


3/18/18 - Killing of Stephon Clark, a 22 year old black male shot down by police, created much upheaval for black lives, that later contributed as a step toward the activism to come in later times shortly after. 


 3/18/18 - Death of Elaine Herzberg, a lady jogging ran over and killed by a car Ubering on self drive mode. 


3/18/18 - Riverview murders, A mother and her child killed and slaughtered, mother shot and child chopped with a machete by an ex boyfriend. 



Turn of the Station retrograde of Mercury

3/22/18 - Ransom cyber attack on Atlanta Georgia 


3/22/18 - Brutal murder of Alex Woodworth, his girlfriend brutally murdered him and pretended to be a victim of assault when she couldn’t successfully get rid of his body 


3/24/18 - March for our Lives against gun violence protests, there were multiple locations where this march had occurred, the massive number of shootings had people concerned and wanting safety in their homeland. 


3/26/18 - Hart Family Murder suicide, a couple whom one had tragically driven the entire family over a 100ft tall cliff in a murder suicide. 


4/2/18 - Shooting at Youtube headquarters, Youtuber claimed they were censoring their videos and attended the headquarters armed to express their frustration violently 


4/4/18 - Oklahoma City 110 mile march for teachers. 


4/4/18 - Chicago suburbs ban assault rifles. 


4/7/18 - National Guard sent to defend Mexico borders 


4/11/18 - Vermont puts gun restriction laws in place 


4/12/18 - Teacher strikes all come to end with resolution. 


After this event many relative events drop off the side of a cliff with resolutions popping up at the end of the station of retrograde. 


 When we observe this time frame of the Aries Mercury Retrograde of 2018 we can see a pattern of violence, destruction, death, injury, and a lot of arguments about the safety in our homeland of the United States. Many were feeling concerned about the security of their homes and their rights, the safety of the country overall even. This was also the year that Anti-vaccine protests were most abundant, although most related events went unrecorded so it is hard to say if the Mercury retrograde showed any effect with those protests of medicine as well. Mercury rules technology, communications, transportation, and friends. Mars rules injury, medical, violence, weapons, war, threats. The fourth house rules over the home, home roots, and family.  


 You can see the pattern of Mercury, Aries, and the fourth house of the US chart coming together in these events. Numerous events of families bringing harm to their own homes. There is tons of weapon related harm done with shootings, and protests, and threats. Technology malfunctioning with a self-driving car harming a lady going for a jog, Youtube headquarters, home hub spot of youtube, attacked with gun violence, people attacked with gun violence from uniforms, uniforms are also ruled by Aries. Even the threats to our homeland with cyber security, technology with Mercury, attacks with Aries.   


 Of course our own charts come into play, the people involved in these events will have had their own charts and aspects that brought out the amplification of the relative energies for them to play their part in the play of energies among the country in the astrological macrocosm transit of Mercury retrograde.  

 We can likely expect similar events to come about in America this coming retrograde. We can see already that our country is dealing with plenty of upheaval and threats. The US during this upcoming retrograde will likely experience another Cyber attack, we may wind up with another set of mass shootings happening around the country, the migration issue may have a massive blow up event that triggers the country to question their security with the immigration, even further than it already is.


 We also see that this retrograde seems to bring up a lot of issues the country is dealing with that havent been put on the forefront to be handled, and this retrograde seems to bring out events that push these issues into the face of Americans to heal these things. By the end of the last retrograde most of the issues were handled and starting to be healed at the end of the retrograde with new regulations and agreements made.   

 This year the Aries retrograde will be happening directly over the United States natal Chiron. So we may find this retrograde to be a little more drastic from the last. This retrograde is going to uproot all of the deepest wounds of our United States and bring it to the surface. Us Americans will be forced to stare our country’s wounds in the face and to go forth and handle these issues and start healing these wounds of our country.  


 As for more personal matters, to see how this retrograde will affect us personally, you want to see what house on your own chart is ruled by Aries. Is this going to be a time of struggle brought to your home? Is your 4th house also ruled by Aries like the US? Are you someone with a second house, Aries likely to deal with some financial matters? Lets go forth and take a look at the personal predictions. When reading forth you want to go about seeking the prediction through your rising sign, not your sun. This will help to get a more accurate view of what area of your life this upcoming Mercury will affect for you personally. 






Aries rising! This is going to be a rough one for you. This retrograde will occur in your first house and be focused around you, your reputation and how you come off to people. You as an Aries rising already come off strong personalities and sometimes to others can come off a bit brash and overly assertive whether you mean to be or not. This retrograde is not going to help with that, in fact probably bring further misunderstanding of your intentions. So be sure that when communicating with others that you try to be a little extra tactful during this time and take care of how you come off to others. It will affect your reputation. Also as though you weren't prone to injury as it is, watch out! During this time you are all the more likely to experience an injury especially to your head. So wear your helmets and take some extra caution. Double check all your text and written communications and ask yourself how it sounds and if it sounds a bit brash, be honest with yourself and maybe add a little sweetness to the words. You’ll be thankful later when you save yourself the conflict with others due to a miscommunication from coming off more brash than usual. If there are any wounds to your reputation, now would be a time to clear those matters up and try to correct any misconceptions of yourself. If you have any projects that you’ve started that involve you being at the forefront and the face of it all but got frustrated from the lack of immediate success as Aries can tend to do, then go back and see if you can vamp these projects back up and gain any success from them this go round. Maybe the results will be different this time.  




Hey Taurus rising! For you this retrograde will be occurring in the twelfth house! Oof! You’re likely gonna have to hang on tight during this time. The twelfth house is a house of the subconscious and losses. Double check everything, if you miss over any details, you may endure a great loss. Also take it easy on yourself, anything weighing on your subconscious might bubble to the surface leaving you feeling frustrated or upset, if this occurs take this time to work through it and don’t shove it back down, it came to the surface for a reason, to be addressed. There may be some things that you have been biting your tongue on that at this time you will feel that you have reached your snapping point on keeping silent and you will make sure you are heard when you speak out. If this happens to you, try to remember to keep cool and present yourself in the calmest manner possible. It will be taken with more weight if you remain calm, if you act brash with it, it may create some war and battle.  



Hey there Gemini Rising! For you the Aries Mercury Rx will occur in your 11th house. This house relates to large groups, organizations, and aspirations. During this time you wanna try to remain open. You may feel a need to hoard and keep things to yourself. You may end up doing or saying something abrasive that is unappreciated by those that you work with, are friends with, or elders that you're around. You may feel the need to go back and focus on any projects that have been left on the back burner and get back to them. This will especially be the case with any projects that you feel you want to do on your own without a team of people. You feel the need to stand out and not have to be so connected with everyone else. You want more leadership and control over your own life and system of things and feel a stronger need to be independent. If you form any new aspirations or projects that you want to complete on your own, hold off on starting them until at least mid May if you want to count on the success. 

There is also a possibility that an old friend may reach out, or you end up bumping into an old friend somewhere. This reconnection will bring in the previous and with 11th house ruling over friendships, this can bring old friends through for another hello. 



Cancer Rising! You are someone who is used to being heard in the workplace. You are used to being on top and in charge, you may not feel very heard during this time. You’ll probably more often than not feel like you may as well talk to a wall. There will probably be plenty of setbacks, any projects you are trying to complete at work seem to just hit problem after problem and not get any traction of moving forward. It will be harder to focus on projects and there might be events that break down that cause you to have to pull away from your work. You’ll feel Arie’s energy of being frustrated and maybe want to throw a project out that isn't succeeding right now! Hang in there, it's only a few weeks. Try to take the previous time to set up all your back ups for upcoming projects, double check all your writing, try to be patient with your co-workers, and don’t expect for projects to take much progression until the retrograde backs off. It's more of a time to reflect on your projects and see if this is what you want to progress with or maybe change or adjust things a little bit before putting it through or finishing the project off. 



Hey there Leo Rising! For you this retrograde is going to affect your 9th house of higher education, beliefs, and travels. If you are planning on traveling anywhere, just don’t, not until the retrograde is over and at least in the post shadow phase. If you try to travel there will likely be major problems, set backs, even destruction in your plans, an injury while out on travels. Its easier to just wait a couple weeks until the retrograde backs off if you can help it. If you absolutely have to travel for work, choose the safest routes possible and double check all of your plans. Also set up plan B for everything as well. If you are in college, expect some issues with school. Maybe you have a major end of the semester project coming up, you might wind up with it handed back and told it didn't meet criteria, or find trouble trying to turn it in, or wind up getting it back with a bad grade from a major mistake that you overlooked. So college students, stay on your toes during this time! Double check all of your assignments, especially written assignments and maybe even have someone else look over it too. You may be glad that you reviewed your project so heavily before turning it in. Dot your Is and cross your Ts and double check back over. You may also be taking some time to question what you believe at this time. An event may occur that makes you change how you feel and what you believe about things in life.  



Dearest Virgo! You may experience a small transformation of some sort at this point. There may be a secret that becomes surfaced that rightfully makes you feel upset. There may be some bad habits that you feel the need to return to, if so avoid them. You may lose a resource, possibly you were receiving funding for something and now the funding is low, maybe apply for a loan and find out you’ve been declined. You may even have a point where if you owe any money the person owed may come to collect the debt. You're going to be under a lot of stress feeling a need to figure things out and how to bring stability where there seems to be none. You’ll likely feel out of control for a couple of weeks. Try to hang in there and know that Mercury is just taking its toll for a couple of weeks and it will all ease off soon.



Hey Libra! You know that cliche your ex will be around for Mercury retrograde? Welp, for you, Mercury retrograde is in the 7th house of relationships. You might find some ex lovers reaching out especially if you are single. If you are in a long term relationship any old dormant issues residing within the relationship will bubble to the surface and things will be pretty war-like for a few weeks within the relationship. You will feel the need to nit pick at your partner and speak your mind about every little agitation. Try to be easy on your partner. Try to be patient with your partner. If you have any business contracts or legal matters, expect some kind of issue to arise that needs to be addressed and hold patience with the situation, its just the retrograde playing its games. 



Hey Scorpio rising! Feeling good about your health? If not, now is a good time to focus on getting on a healthy diet and taking care of your body. You are going to be more prone to suffering an injury during this retrograde so be careful and double check things and take the safeway. Leave any risk taking task until after the retrograde maybe? If you are looking to start any new habits especially related to your health and fitness, now would be a great time to get back in the groove with your body and let it feel a little stronger and better. If there is any new goals that you’ve let slide to the back burner, pick them back up. You might feel extra busy during this time too. Maybe tasks seem to just build up and become too much and feel overwhelming and frustrating. Stay patient, you got this! Focus on using physical exercise to exert any stresses, it will help you. 



Sagittarius rising, hang in there! As though you don’t already on a regular basis feel the need to just break away and get ahead and enjoy life, you are gonna really feel that deeply during this retrograde. You are gonna feel weighed down by work and needing to put out all this energy to get things done. All you wanna do is just break away and have some fun and do what you wanna do and relieve some stress. You’ll probably get into bickers with others about whether you are doing enough. Just remember that we all need to do a little work to get ahead and sometimes a little more at times than other times. Try to stay on track and stay focused even when it gets hard. When the retrograde goes direct, take some time then to enjoy and reward yourself for what you’ve put in. You may also hear from some old friends, possibly reaching out and reminding you of some good memories. If this occurs, take the moment to remanis with them and escape through good memories. 



Hey there Capricorn Rising! Try to hang in there during this retrograde, it will be happening in the 4th house of family, home, home roots. Your rising sign is one of them taking a little bit of a harder brunt during this retrograde. Expect a lot of troubles within the home and family. There might be a lot of bickers and nit picking at each other, possibly someone that gets injured or sick in the family. Times are hard out there and it can create a lot of pressure on the home and family. Try not to let the war and chaos of the world enter the home. Try to be patient with your family and be understanding. The home is going to feel really frustrating and tense during these weeks. Just be patient, spend some time outside of the home and get physically active and try to maintain the most peace you can. 



Poor Aquarius Rising! For you the retrograde will be occurring in the third house of communications, siblings, and local environment. Communications are going to be sharp tongued towards you and from you. There's likely to be plenty of bickering between you and those you are friends with and siblings and peers. The world is really stressful right now leaving us feeling super tense! I definitely get it! But try to be understanding that you are not the only one under stress and feeling abrasive during these times. If someone is getting a little sharp tongued, try to stay mum and walk away and save the words said for later after giving thought of what you want to really say. Try to double check all of your communications and make sure you aren’t coming off too blunt and have some tact to what you say. Anything that comes out rude will be taken extra hard during this retrograde and can trigger a war to come. Also pay attention to your car. If there are any issues with your car, now is definitely the time to get it fixed before a major accident happens! With the retrograde being Mercury of transportation and Aries of metal and destruction, be extra careful while driving to not get into an accident or run someone over! You will be more prone to these accidents during this time! 



Hey Pisces rising! For you this retrograde is going to be a financial one. If you have been experiencing financial struggles now is a time to go over and reevaluate things and set up a new budget. Start looking at what expenses you truly need and which ones are really just you being the typical 2nd house Aries spending your cash as fast as you get it. During this time is a time to be a little more conservative with your money because it will go out extra fast during this time. You might wind up with something that costs you a great deal financially or feel you look at your savings and nope, not going on vacation this spring break! You may take on a financial wound this retrograde. Take a moment to evaluate your assets and set up any plans to take action after the retrograde with on how you will obtain more money and get your savings built up. Oh! And don’t forget to think twice and check your messages first before sending them out. We all know how Mercury can act in its retrograde and how it affects our speech, with Aries and your second house ruling the throat, this may come out a little extra in your speech being warlike.


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