MINING. A GUIDE TO MINING. gaids, tips, etc., entropia universe. a little bit about mining. useful information for beginners. you can learn all about this beautiful game, work here


Demand for resources

trading in twin peaks entropia universe


In Entropia Universe the vast majority of items needed by any player: weapons, armor, tools, vehicles are produced by the players themselves. These are engaged producers - crafters. And to produce all these necessary things the craftsmen need resources extracted from the bowels of the planets - ore, minerals, energy. The virtual economy requires raw materials for its growth and development just like the economy in the real world. That is why miners' minerals are always in constant demand. That, naturally, ensures the high popularity of this profession among the players. Let's say more, with the right approach resource mining allows players to earn steadily and not think about the infusion of real money into the game. Dostoevsky predicted in his time that "this world in the future will be ruled by 'kerosene miners'". - That is, those who are engaged in the extraction of energy, on which industry is based. There are many resources in the Entropia Universe, and oil is by no means the most sought-after. An explosive increase in the demand and price for one or another resource occurs in Entropia Universe when new technologies requiring specific resources are introduced in the game. What happens is this:

With the next update of the game in the loot from the crafters begin to fall new drawings that require a particular mineral or ore to produce. If craftsmen find it profitable to produce items using the new blueprints, they begin to buy the resources they need on the market, creating an increased demand, and the price of them begins to rise. Experienced miners track such changes in demand and search for what is in demand at the moment and make a good profit on it.

Professional growth

When newcomers are introduced to mining, at first it seems that this activity requires more expense than hunting. This is a kind of "optical deception", connected with the fact that the cost of one attempt to find a resource is much more expensive than the cost of ammunition needed to kill a weak monster. In fact, the cost of 1 hour of mining is comparable to the cost of 1 hour of hunting mid-level monsters, and hunting high-level monsters is significantly more expensive than mining.

In addition, to effectively search for most resources, including rare ones, it will be enough to develop your mining skills to level 15-20 in Prospector (to search for Ores) and Surveyor (to search for Enmatters).

levels in the Entropia Universe mining professions.

Right now, only the most powerful resource finding tools require a miner to have a level in the profession above 60 to be used effectively. Compare that to the top weapons, which require a hunter to have a level of 100 profession level. However, it should be said that it is probably not at all easier to reach the 60th level in a miner's profession than to pump up to the 100th level in a hunt. That's why it's a good idea to think about "pouring" mining skills into your avatar in order to use higher-level equipment that allows you to search for rarer and more expensive resources.

Types of resources mined by mining

All resources mined on the planets of the Entropia Universe are divided into three types, two of which, Ores and Energy, are mined on all planets, and one, Treasures, can only be found on the planet Arkadia.

Entropia Universe resources table

Ores, which include all kinds of metal ores and minerals: zinc, copper, and many elements unknown in Earth geology, such as Nicsarium and Ignisium.

Energy matters, or Enmaters for short, are energy carriers, combustibles. They can be in liquid, powdery or crystalline form, nothing but the variety of names does not affect it.

Treasures are unique resources mined on Arkadia. According to the plot they are not natural resources, but hidden under the surface of the planet traces of the life of an ancient dead civilization. So strictly speaking, the search for Treasures is not a mining activity, but an archaeological one. But in terms of process, it is no different than searching for ore and enrgo-carriers.

The type of resource you are going to search for is determined by the settings of your "finder" - the device for running special probing "probes" and analyzing their results. You can set the seeker to search for any of the three resource types. The ability to turn on the Treasures search is blocked on all planets except Arkadia. If you want to search for two or all three resource types at the same time, you simply mark them on the "seeker" screen, and the next time you run the "trials" the "seeker" will search for whatever you have selected.

There is an important point to be made here. One attempt to search Enmatters costs 0.5 PED, one attempt to search Ores costs 1 PED, and one attempt to search Treasures is the most expensive at 1.5 PED.

lf you decide to search for Ores and Enmatters at the same time, for example, one "sample" shot will cost you 1.5 PED. So choose to search simultaneously only when you understand what you are doing. For example, such a search is justified when exploring a new area for you, when you want to quickly check what resources are found in a given location, or, on the contrary, you know for sure that the area where you are going to mine has deposits of sought-after Ores and Enmatters.

Mining Equipment

To search for resources, you will need a few tools and a supply of miner "samples", which, as described above, are consumed with each roll. "Samples" are analogous to ammo in the hunt.

So, you will need:

A ziplex z1digger Earth Excavator ME/01.

1. "The seeker is a device for running "samples" and analyzing the results.

2. "Digger" - a portable drill rig that allows you to extract the resource you've found from the ground to the surface.

3. "Refiner" or "Refiner" - a portable device that allows you to clean the extracted resource of impurities. When searching for resources "Refiner", in principle, is not needed. But it is highly recommended to have it at hand. First, because the sale of raw resources will usually bring you less profit, the price of a purified resource is almost always higher than the price of a raw resource, and the cost of purification is small. Second, the resource becomes twice as light when purified. Overloading your avatar prevents it from moving on the run, and purifying the mined resource helps restore movement speed.

Another little nuance I'd like to mention when talking about clearing resources. Most of the names of uncleaned and purified resources are the same. That is, if you found Iron Ore, it will turn into Iron Ingots when cleaned. But some types of resources completely change their names when purified. For example, Lumis Leach turns into Light Liquid when purified. I wrote this to say that if you see that there is a demand for Light Liquid, and you decide to look for it, then look for information about where to find this resource, by the word "Lumis Leach".

If you have no experience in mining and your profession level is 0, you will need to purchase a "seeker", a "digger" and a supply of miner "samples" at the Trade Terminal (TT).

Trading Terminal in the Entropia Universe.

Find the TT, open the Mining category.

Ziplex Z1 Entropia Universe.


You will need the Ziplex Z1 Seeker, the Earth Excavator ME/01 and the Survey Probe stockpile. You can start by buying 30-50 PED worth of "samples". An hour and a half of uninterrupted mining will usually consume 100-200 PED worth of "samples", depending on what type of resource you choose.

As for the "refiner," don't buy it at the TT, as the model they sell there is very uneconomical. Find a T-104 model at auction, and if you have enough money, it's worth getting into a T-105. It's a one-time investment that will allow you to save well on cleanup, which will have a positive impact on your financial bottom line. At first glance, this savings may not seem like much, but it's little things like this that make up the profit or loss. The most economical "refiner" is the Chicara MR400. But it is extremely rare in the open sale.


Experienced miners often use Mining amplifiers to increase the average amount of resources they find. If you are just starting to mine, don't do it. Of course, if used correctly, Mining Amplifiers can significantly increase your profits, but they must be used with great care. "Amplifiers are made by players and sold on the market at a markup. And this markup can be significant. In the process of searching for resources "amplifiers" are quickly consumed, and if you do not understand in what places and for what resources it is useful to use them, instead of profits you will get serious losses. If you want to consider using low-end amplifiers after you reach level 10 in Prospector (when searching for Ores) or Surveyor (when searching for Enmatters) professions, you should also consider using them.


First, it is worth to say where not to look, at least at the initial stage of the mining career. In the EU, there are land areas - Land Areas, which are owned by other players. And the owners impose taxes on the areas under their control, which are automatically withheld from those who hunt or mine resources there. For us, this means that our costs will remain the same, and the amount found in the Land Areas, all other things being equal, will be reduced by the percentage of the tax. Do you want that? If not, avoid mining in Land Areas, unless of course their owner has set a zero tax.


Such areas are marked in green on the map. When you enter a private land, you will receive a message that the zone has a tax. If the tax is more than zero, consider whether you really want to mine there. It is only acceptable if the private land has something of real value with a high market value that is substantially higher than all the costs of prospecting and mining, including the tax.


You can't mine near teleports, in populated areas, at outposts, or deep underwater. If you mine along the water's edge, you may find a resource clime underwater, but if you try to cast a "sample" a little further from the shore, you won't succeed. It is also impossible to mine in some places with steep terrain - mountains and cliffs.


You won't find any visible deposits of ores, minerals, or energy on Entropia Universe planets. All resources are hidden in the depths of the planets, and you never know exactly where or what you will find. So mining in EU is more like a treasure hunt. However, the approximate locations of various resources are identified by players through experience. Based on the research of territories, players make geological maps, which show what resources can be found in a particular area. Knowledge of resource zones is the main capital of a professional miner. It allows you to find exactly the resources you want to find with a certain probability. Therefore, before you set out to search, you should, by asking more knowledgeable acquaintances of miners or by studying publicly available information, make a reference point for yourself as to where something lies. More precise boundaries of the various resources will be determined after repeated passes over the same areas. It should be said that no one guarantees that after some time the developers will not change the location and depth of resources. For example, serious changes were made after the transition to CryEngine2. Then the landscape was seriously changed, and at the same time the resource map was seriously reshuffled. But in general, we can say that the resource locations remain relatively constant over time. But there are significant fluctuations in the ratio of what you find in the same area all the time. For example, you know that there are three types of Ores in the area where you are going to mine: Belkar, Gazzurite, and Durulium. So, you can get 40% Belkar, 30% Gazzurite and 30% Durulium in one run. And the next run to get 70% Belkar, 30% Gazzurite and not find Durulium at all. If you want to look specifically for Durulium, you need to look as you go along.


It should be said that resources are distributed not only over the territory of the planet, but also by depth of occurrence. Some resources can only be found starting from a certain depth. In the example above, Belkar has the lowest average depth, Gazzurite is slightly deeper, and Duruium is the deepest. Depending on your level and the "finder" you are using, you may be able to "shoot" to a certain depth. The shallower that depth, the less chance you have of finding Durulium. But even if you have a powerful depth finder that can probe at depths between 800 and 1000m and you are skilled enough to use it, that does not mean you would find only Durulium. However, the probability of finding it will be significantly higher. And most likely you'll even be able to find some pieces of Kanerium, which also happens to be located at a great depth in this area, just with low-powered "searchers" you will not get to it.


The process of finding and extracting resources

When you have all the necessary equipment for mining and a stock of "samples", and you have identified the approximate area of search, go to the place. Take out of your inventory and pick up the "seeker". This green screen will appear:


resource detector screen in Entropia UniverseIn cursor mode, select the type of resource you are going to search for (three icons under the radar, left to right: Ores - stone icon, Enmatters - atom icon, Treasures - inactive on all planets except Arkadia.


Let's say we decided to look for ore. Left click on the stone. When we activate it, it will be highlighted. In this case 20 "samples" will be spent for each activation of the "seeker". Thus, we will spend 1 PED per attempt to find ore. If we turn off Ores and turn on Enmatters, we will spend 0.5 PED per "shot" and search for energy. If both icons are activated, the "seeker" will search for both, with the cost per search attempt rising to 1.5 PED. So before you start, check what your "seeker" is set to.


Switch to sighting mode. Select the location from which you will start your mein. Activate the seeker with the left mouse button. After a few seconds, the probe will detonate and the seeker will tell you if there is anything in range.

Not every search attempt will be successful. If you don't find anything, the seeker will give you the message "No resourses found". So sad, let's keep running. We need to run about 100 meters away from where we started the test, so that the next "test" throw will not overlap with the area where we already searched.


If a resource is found, information about the found resource and an arrow showing the direction to the found claim (Claim marker) will appear on the screen. The claim marker is a beacon that appears at the location where the resource is found. "Seeker" will start to emit an intermittent beep, the closer you get to the claim, the more often the device will beep.

The resource deed in the loot window

Besides that the Loot window will be opened, where Resource Deed - a document with information about found clime will be shown (what was found, size of the found field, depth of occurrence, coordinates, clime's life time). Left-click on the Resurse Deed to see all the information.

If the loot window disturbs you, you can move it off the edge of the screen or disable its appearance in the game settings. The Resource Deed will be in your inventory anyway until you dig up the clay, or until the clay disappears. You will not be able to sell or transfer the Resource Deed to anyone. What you find belongs to you and can only be dug up by you. However, each cliff has an expiration date, and you must dig it up before that line expires. The smaller the size of the clime, the shorter its lifespan. You can find out the time before the cliff disappears by examining the Resourse Deed. It lies in the inventory next to the PED card. Some people prefer to find many climes first and then dig them out one by one. But my experience is that it's better to dig up the climes all at once, except maybe for the rather large ones.


Entropia Universe clime found if you've dug a big enough and therefore long-lived clime that will last a few hours, and you're sure that you can dig it out later, and if you understand that the payoff in your mine is very good here and now, keep digging, and come back to digging out the big clime later.

If you are lucky enough to find a claim worth more than 4000PED, instead of a claim there will be a "tower" - a tower that digs up the find automatically for you. It has no lifespan and won't disappear until you take everything out of it.


But we were distracted by the claymation we found. To the cheerful squeak we run towards the clime. Once we've seen it, we can put the "seeker" away in our inventory.

We pick up our portable excavator for shoveling natural treasures out of the bowels of the earth, the "digger." Approach the clime closely, point the digger at it and activate it with the left mouse button. Dig out a certain amount of the resource. Repeat the procedure until the Claim Marker disappears. This will mean that you have dug all the way to the end.

If you are lucky enough to find a large deposit and it will take a long time to dig, use the wonderful "Toggle auto-use tool" button that allows you to use the "digger" in automatic mode. You have already put this action on the button or on the icon, right? If not, do so immediately.

During the work "digging" gradually wears out, if its condition is not watched, you can find yourself in front of the clime with a non-working tool at the most inconvenient time and have to run to repair it or buy a new one. So it is better to have a spare shovel just in case. The most economical "shovel" at the moment is the Rock Reaper 1(L), sold in the Trade Terminals on the planet Arkadia. Unfortunately, it is smuggled to other planets, and can only be bought from other players at some markup. If you haven't had a chance to buy this wonderful device, no problem. Your regular "digger" Earth Excavator ME/01 (or its analog from Next Island) is not much inferior to it in economy.

There are situations when you need to dig out what you find quickly, even though the cost of digging is somewhat higher. For example, the clime is found among a pack of rather aggressive animals, and they can attack at any moment. Or you dig in PvP-zone, where you can be shot and take away everything you found here. In this case, you will need a "seeker" with increased speed. Try to buy Earth Excavator ME/02 or

RE-101. Their economy is worse but they dig faster. Better yet, don't dig in dangerous places until you've mastered the mein to perfection.

There's also a trick to quickly transport the resources you've dug up to your Storage. To do this you will need to purchase a vehicle with a roomy cargo compartment. The best choice for this trick is the Spear MK I (L) from the planet Cyrene. This hovercraft weighs less than 10kg in your inventory, with a cargo bay that holds 121kg of weight. Remove the Spear MK I from your inventory and place it on the ground. Load the excavated resources into the cargo bay, then open the Recall all vechicles icon in the action library. Your vehicle with the cargo will instantly teleport to your warehouse and wait for you there.

Mining skills

To be able to search for the rarest and most expensive resources that are buried deep, a miner needs top-notch "seekers" that allow probing at great depths. And to use them, you need the appropriate professional level. You can see what level a particular device requires by right-clicking on it and selecting Item Info from the drop-down menu.


Entropia Universe "finder" information window


It should be noted that the same "finder", depending on what type of resource you are looking for, requires you to be skilled in different professions. To search for Ores you must reach a certain level in the profession Prospector, to search for Enmaters - in the profession Surveyor, to search for Treasures - in the profession Treasure Hunter. In the information window of the device you can find out whether you have a sufficient level to search for each type of resources, and to what depth it can reach at your level of development. You should not use an instrument that you cannot use effectively.

"Pouring in" proficiency skills will also help you get to a level that allows you to work profitably faster.

The main skills that affect the level of professions: Surveying (to find Enmatters), Prospecting (to find Ores), Treasure sense (to find treasures)

Entrpia Universe miner skills

and a few universal ones that affect the level of all mining professions: Geology, Ground Assessment, Mineral sense. The last two skills are hidden at the beginning of the game. In order for them to open and start growing, you need to reach level 12 and 30 in one of the mining professions.


Choosing a "seeker"

The main rule when choosing a tool to search for resources is similar to the main rule when choosing a weapon - you need to choose a device that corresponds to your current level of development in the profession. For Mines this means that you need a "seeker" that allows you to search as deep as possible with your current skills. To orient yourself on what to choose, will help you. You need to open the Finders table in the Mining Section and see which devices correspond to your professional level (value in the Professions column). To finally determine which "finder" to use, you need to find all the "finders" you picked up in at the auction and see which one hits the maximum depth. The beauty of this is that, first, you don't need to buy all these "seekers" at the auction to find out, and second, the information window of the device will give you up-to-date information exactly in view of your current level of professional development.

However, it is worth mentioning that in order to boost your miner skills, it makes sense to start using limit "seekers" with Skill Increase Bonus before the maximum efficiency is reached. Remember that your goal is to reach the level of development that allows you to search at greater depths as quickly as possible. And if you decided that your priority is a fast increase of skills and professional level, choose the seeker with open SIB even if it strikes at a shallower depth than the one that does not have SIB.


Extreme Mines: F.O.M.A (Planet Calypso) and HELL (Rocktropia)

There is nothing for beginners to do in these two zones. Definitely a ban! In these locations maIn more than anywhere else like roulette in a casino. There fly experienced miners in the hope of a big win, or to tickle their nerves. The results of a mine on F.O.M.A. or HELL are hard to predict. You can snatch a jackpot, and can "plummet" into the void of a large sum of money in a matter of minutes.

The radius of coverage "searcher" is reduced here by half - instead of the usual 55 meters - 22m. The average size of the found climes is approximately 4 times higher here, but the problem is that the probability of finding something drops several times. If even in normal zones with normal returns there are cases when in 15-20 attempts you find nothing, imagine what can happen to you in these truly extreme zones.


Tactics for finding resources.

Mining in a straight line.

You can use this tactic when scouting new areas for you.

You align your position on the radar so that you look strictly to one side of the world, such as north. Press the P button, you will be shown your current coordinates in the chat. Align your position so that the coordinates are with round numbers at the end, e.g. 34200, 23100. Throw the first "try", then run strictly to the north, from time to time checking the coordinates so as not to deviate from the chosen direction. When you find yourself at coordinates 34200 and 23200, throw the next "try". If a clime is found, remember the coordinates of the last throw, dig it out, then run to the point 100 meters to the north of the place of the last throw and make another try. You run until you get tired, or until you face an insurmountable obstacle in the form of a mountain range, the ocean shore or a herd of aggressive animals. After that you turn in any direction by 90 degrees, and continue the run, but now you have the second coordinate remaining constant, and the first one changes in steps of 100 from one throw point to another.

Tip: Be sure to put the coordinate button on a button you are comfortable with, so that you don't have trouble pressing it repeatedly when you need to.

When scouting you can, in principle, increase the distance between each throw to 150-200 meters if your task is to explore as much space as possible.


Mein squares.

When you have already explored a certain area and know what resources are found on it, you face the task of the most productive "bombing" on it, scattering on this location the maximum number of "samples", but doing it so that the radiuses of search during the throws did not overlap. To do this, use the same technique as in the previous version, but move across the territory "in a snake". Reaching the conditional edge of the area, we turn 90 degrees, run 100 m and, having thrown another "sample", turn around and move in the direction of the opposite edge of the site. Imagine a chessboard, on the leftmost cell is the figure of the miner. Let it be the "king" of the mine. He can only move one cell, and in each cell he throws a "sample". What is the fastest way for him to go through all the squares of the board? He has to move in a straight line up to the last square, then he has to move one square to the right and go down to the edge, where he moves one square to the right again and goes up again. And so on until it has passed all 64 squares of the board and is in the bottom right square. Using flying machines in mining.

Many professional miners use in their travels economical flying machines: Sleipnir MkI (L) or Ucash VTOL (L), received as a bonus when entering money into the game through the system Ucash. These turboplanes are very useful when you need to get to a remote area, or when you have to mine in an area where there are a lot of aggressive mobs. The aircraft allows you, in case you are attacked by a mob, to quickly take to the air and "break away" from the "tail". It also has a cargo compartment in which you can keep a supply of samples or put loot there. Some miners even mine using turboprops, moving in hundred-meter "jumps" from one point to throw a "sample" to another.

See you soon)


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