Music and Animals!

Have you ever listened to music to escape the stresses of work or the pressures of everyday life? Music and playing a musical instrument are among the arts that provide peace of mind and have a positive effect on the brain and strengthen memory. Stress and muscle strain can often easily affect our daily health. For example, when we sit in front of a computer, the muscles in the back of our neck and shoulders ache and make us uncomfortable. Soothing music can greatly relax the muscles of the body and relieve us of pain. Classical and soft music helps to reduce the stress of patients before surgery and reduce their pain after surgery.

Research on the heart and even cancer patients has shown that listening to soft music can go a long way in reducing the stress of these patients before open-heart surgery or chemotherapy. Research on patients who have had successful surgeries have also shown that the process of listening to soothing music can dramatically increase their pain tolerance and even play a significant role in their early discharge from the hospital. For a long time, music industry scholars and practitioners of this art have considered and used different types of music according to different human temperaments, such as joy, sadness, fear, anxiety, and comfort.

Human has learned from experience that music affects the lives of animals and that it can be used for wild and domestic animals, birds, and even insects.

In this way, hunters, ranchers, and others who have jobs related to animals they can control the behavior of those animals to some extent by finding a sound that suited the nature of some animals. Hunting is one of the activities that music became a part of. One of the purposes of the instruments in the hunting grounds was to control the movements of the animals according to the will of the hunter, to make hunting easier.

Using a variety of instruments, hunters pulled the animals out of their hiding places and guided them to a specific location to make hunting easier and safer.

Classical music affects the structure and abilities of the brain through rhythm and melody and helps to increase the level of serotonin produced in the brain.

Serotonin, as a nerve hormone, transmits nerve impulses to maintain a sense of happiness and joy. For many years, doctors have realized the miracle of music therapy and used it to treat the mentally ill. As we said, animals are no exception to this rule, and veterinarians tried to use music to supplement and educate animals.

Beautiful and calm music has a wonderful and even healing effect on the human mind and soul. This music has a strategic effect on the soul and calms the soul and even causes joy or sorrow! This is exactly what may happen to animals. You may have experienced when your cat listens to a piece of hard rock music leave the room or relax with a piece of soothing music!

If the animals like the music being played, they approach the music player to enjoy the piece of art being played. Music can even cure animal pain and illness! Scientists have discovered that the same thing happens with plants. They can bloom with certain music.

The calmness in music can alleviate the physical pain of animals, as well as the behavioral violence created in them by their owners! They are likely to have their owners' emotions and mental illnesses so music can have a positive effect on these loyal creatures!

Wolf and Music

In many rural areas of Russia, farmers use musical instruments to drive wolves out of the village.

Bear and Music

Many bear hunters in Africa and the United States catch the animal by playing the flute. In this way, they place themselves in the bear's passage and when the animal approaches, they sound the flute. The bear loses its balance when it hears the sound of the flute and hunters immediately traps the animal.

Elephant and Music

The elephant is affected or delighted to hear the sound of music. That is why elephants do not show their wonderful actions in circuses until the music is heard.

Lion and Music

The lion becomes motionless when it hears music. A French painter hired an orchestra to paint the lions of the Paris Zoo. By music, they kept the lions motionless for a while, so that the painter could make a painting of the lions.

Fish and Music

In the glass ponds tested, when the sound of the flute or violin is reflected, the fish floating in those ponds also stop moving and turn their attention to listening to music in the water.


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