My Acne Story - What I did to change that

It's June and I'm writing this story about my experience with Acne. I started breaking out when I was 15 years old. I remember wearing makeup many these times, and I didn't have a makeup remover. So it wasn't very comfortable, but I used soap and water to try to take off my makeup. I didn't think about makeup remover at the time why because It was my first time wearing makeup and getting used to the idea of wearing makeup at such a young age. I remember putting foundation on my face every day, and I didn't take care of my face every morning by wearing makeup. So eventually, the amount of makeup I wore caused bad acne to break out. I would even try to put foundation on my acne to cover it up. I know, bad idea. But I was a teen, so I didn't think anything of it. Every day I would wear the foundation. I would wake up, wash my face, and then put on some foundation.

I think wearing the foundation every day is what caused the breakouts to get worse each day. I remember making a doctor's appointment with my family doctor to discuss my acne. I went to see him, and he directed me to a specialist for acne. That day I woke up, got ready with no makeup and went to the specialist. I walked up to the receptionist, stated my name, and brought my health card. Then I waited to be called. I waited for an hour, and then I got called. I remember sitting in his office, and the specialist was polite and kind. I explained to him my acne had gone worse. He wrote down some notes on what I was discussing with her. He checked my face and my chest. My chest had acne too. I explained what the problem was. The problem was that I was breaking out every wear, and I was a teenager, so it didn't look so good. I felt embarrassed about myself. I tried to explain what was happening with my face and chest. So the specialist told me what I could do to eliminate the acne. He prescribed this bottle of soap that I can use every day once a day in the morning. It was a special soap bottle, and I remember using it for the first time. So that day, he prescribed me, and I went on my way home. I then went to the pharmacy and picked up the prescription. When I got home, I spoke to my mother about it. Like all mothers are, she was a bit worried about my acne. But there was nothing that I cant handle. I remember using the bottle of soap, and it was a white bottle. I started using it that night. I started washing my face and chest with the soap. It had a creamy white texture. I wouldn't say I liked the smell; I can recall the soap was all soapy and white. I started putting it on my face, leaving it on and then washing it off a few minutes later. I put the soap on my chest as well. I made sure to put on all the areas of the acne. I hated my acne; I wanted it to go away then. I wouldn't say I liked using medication because that is what it was. The specialist prescribed me medication to get rid of the acne. After using the soap, I washed my face and chest area. Then this is what happened afterwards. I didn't expect this to happen; after using the soap on my face, I washed it off and then patted my face with a small towel. After doing that, my face felt like it was burning. That is what I remember. I recall the time using the acene medication, my face started to burn, and I quickly washed my face with water, and the burning stopped. I was so mad that I got an allergic reaction to it. I may have left the soap on my face for too long, but I quickly realized the acne medication wasn't for me. My chest area was burning slightly, but it wasn't as bad as my whole face. That was a time I recall my worse acne story. Present-day, I should tell you guys I am 30 now, and my acne is a lot better than when I was 15. I take good care of my face now. The good news, the acne on my chest is gone. I struggle with acne on my face now; I hope it all goes away soon.


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About Author

Is a pleasure to introduce myself; I am Feven Ghebre. As an author, blogger, and reader, I like to write articles and blogs. You can find my book, "The Entwined Past" on Amazon and other distributors. I'm a freelance writer with experience in article writing. Vocal media published 18 articles by me. My article focuses on mental health, weight loss, relationships, dating, hair and makeup. My portfolios contain articles and samples of my work. I put a lot of effort into my articles. It takes a great deal of thought and research.