My strange childhood, and my favorite childhood toy

I wasn't interested in barbie dolls or anything remotely girly growing up. I was a tomboyish sort of girl who still to this day,  loves arcade games, mostly wears pants or jeans. Growing up I had my brother's hand me down clothes which I didn't mind in the least. I don't know if spy gear toys are still being made or not. But by the time companies that were making toys for girls got on the bandwagon I was thirteen or fourteen years old. This was probably in 2009 or 2010.

The last spy gear toy I got was a investigation kit. I had a lot of fun with it, growing up I watched a lot of crime shows. I was probably about eight or nine when my parents allowed me to join them in watching law and order special victims unit.


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About Author

I took creative Writing class in high school and I’m a self published author who almost always has a story idea or something to write about