Mystery of Time Travel

Is time travel possible?

First of all, what is time travel? You must have heard of "Time Machine". Yes, exactly the same device with which you can travel in past or future from your present. In technical terms, time travel is basically the concept of  movement between certain points of times comparable to movement of different points an spaces by an object or a person. 

                   Around 100 years ago, Albert Einstein gave a thought on how time functions! He called it "Relativity" . According to this hypothesis, existence is connected together. He stated that the universe has a speed limit. Nothing can travel quicker than the speed of light i.e. 1,86,000 miles per second. For an instance, there was an  investigation that pre-owned two time keepers set to precisely the same time. So, one clock remained on earth while the other flew in the plane. After the plane zoomed all over the planet, the researchers analysed the two clocks. The clock on the plane was behind the clock on the earth to some extent. Thus, the clock on the plane was somewhat slower than the clock on the earth on the schedule than one second out of each second. 

      There are many incidents that have happened till now that are adding up fuel to the mystery of time travel even more. One such incident is described below:

                      In the year 2000 the topic of time travel and time Machine,  once again got highlighted. During November 2000, when people were discussing about time travel on the site "The time travel institute" then suddenly out of nowhere a message popped up in between them. This message was from an American soldier, John Titor who was sent from the year 2036 on a government time travel mission to get the solution of a computer system glitch. To get the solution of the glitch, he was assigned a task of bringing IBM 5100 (a computer model) from the year 1957. Although, he did the assigned task and took the IBM 5100 computer from 1957 successfully but while returning back to 2036 he stopped in the year 2000 to get his family's photographs. It was the time when he messaged on the above mentioned site revealing his name and that he is a time traveller. However, after sometime the messages stopped. But he did left an answer for the question on how to time travel. The answer said, "The Heisenberg's Effect".

              Many researchers have analysed certain incidents and stated that, time Machine is not the only way to travel in time. There are two more ways to time travel:

      (1) Parallel Universe Glitch

      (2) Time Slip 

       One such incident of parallel universe glitch has been reported by a family in America, where the kids used to play everyday in the backside area. It was all normal until one day when the kids stepped on the backside then suddenly the street which used to be busy with people looked all empty, the trees looked dried and the red hue scattered all over. The kids went back and came again the other day and guess what? Everything went back to normal. The busy streets, green trees and no red hue. The kids told about the incident to their parents and it further reached upto the researchers who concluded that the kids must have experienced the parallel universe glitch.

                 Well, this is not the only incident reported. There are few more incidents reported that give evidence and support to the theories of parallel universe glitch and time slip as well.

         This topic always fascinates people as everyone want to travel in past and future and correct the things their way. But changing a thing in the past or future can have a huge impact on the present and that huge impact can be drastic too


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