Newfoundland The Aristocrat Among Dogs

Dogs that bear their name from the island of Newfoundland attract all animal lovers. Now there are two established types, black and white and black. There are also bronze colored dogs, but they are very rare. The black type in Newfoundland must be black; But this does not mean that there are no other colors, because most black Newfoundlands have some white markings. In fact, the white mark on the chest is said to be typical of a true species. Any white dog on the head or body is second only to the black breed. The black color should have a dull jet appearance that is almost brown. In addition to the black square, there may be black and tan, bronze and white and black. The latter is prevalent, and in this color, the beauty of the marking is of great importance. The head should be black with a white muzzle and flanks and the body and legs should be white, with large black spots on the saddle and quarters, possibly other small black spots on the body and legs.


In addition to color, the varieties must meet the same criteria. The head should be broad and broad, but not bulky in appearance. The muzzle should be short, square and neatly cut, the eyes wide enough, deep set, deep and short, without fangs; The ears are small, with side carriages, covered with short hair (there should be no edge over the ears), an expression of intelligence, respect and kindness.


Body should be long, square and large, ***** strong and well stored; Chest deep and wide; The legs are very erect, slightly shorter in proportion to body length, and well muscled with a strong, rounded ****; The feet are large, rounded and close. The tail should be long enough to reach the bottom of the chin, free of kinks and never curved backwards. Coat quality is very important; The coat should be very thick, very undercoat; The outer coat is slightly stiffer and much steeper.


Appearance usually refers to a dog with great strength and is very active for its structure and size, moving freely with the body, moving loosely between the legs, which gives it a slight roll in gait. In terms of size, the Newfoundland Club standard gives 140 pounds. Up to 120 pounds. A dog weighs, and weighs 110 pounds. Up to 120 pounds. For a *****, the average height at the shoulder is 27 inches and 25 inches, respectively; But it is questionable whether dogs in the right condition will fit both needs.


When puppies are weaned, feed them soft food such as cooked rice and milk as soon as they are weaned, and after a while, break down the thin meat. Newfoundland puppies need a lot of meat for proper development. Puppies should gain weight at the rate of 3 pounds. A week, and it requires a lot of meat, **** and muscle building meals, a lot of meat, raw and cooked. Milk is also good, but it should be fortified with casein. The secret of raising full-sized dogs with plenty of **** and ingredients is a good start from birth, good food, warm, dry quarters and the freedom for puppies to turn around and exercise as they please. Forced exercise can damage their feet. Medications are not required except for worms, and puppies should be weaned immediately after weaning, again at three or four months of age, or if they have not developed. Without insects, Newfoundland puppies are found to be very hardy and, with the right diet and quarters, are easy to raise.


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