D. in medicine Ekaterina Burlyayeva in conversation with a correspondent of AiF dispelled popular myths about the benefits and harms of dairy products.
The specialist stated the fallacy of the opinion that consuming fat milk, cheese and cottage cheese leads to increased cholesterol levels and increases the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease. According to her, an international team of scientists from Sweden recently conducted a study and came to the opposite conclusions. It turned out that a diet rich in dairy fats helps reduce the risk of heart and vascular disease. The researchers concluded that fat-rich foods, including milk, yogurt and cheese, can actually protect the heart.
She also debunked the myth that fatty foods make people gain weight, citing the U.K. Department of Health, which says moderate-fat dairy products not only help reduce weight gain, but also help reduce the risk of obesity. It also advised avoiding foods labeled "fat-free," "light," and "low-fat," as these are the ones most likely to contain harmful salt and sugar.
Another myth that the nutritionist disagrees with is that milk is healthy if it is low in fat. According to her, 3.2 percent fat milk has 1.5 times more calories than 1.5 percent milk. In addition, she noted that a glass of milk does not contain the daily allowance of calcium - only 240 milligrams at a daily dose of 1,000 milligrams. Also, in her opinion, ultrapasteurized milk is not healthier than pasteurized milk, as it is heated more, which destroys the vitamins in it.
Earlier, nutritionist Olga Chuntova spoke about the harm of giving up meat. According to her, when giving up animal protein, the body stops getting important elements, such as vitamins D, B12, which increases the risk of stroke, as well as Omega-3 fatty acids, creatine, cholesterol, iodine, phosphorus and calcium.
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