Occupational Disorders

Occupational Disorders

Occupational disorders are usually defined as diseases arising out of or in the course of employment.


1. Disease due to chemical agents:

(a) Gas poisoning (CO, Co2, NH3, N2, H2S, HCL)

(b) Dusts (Pneumoconiosis)

) Inorganic dusts:

(a) Coal dust, Anthracosis
(b) Silica, Silicosis
(C) Asbestos - Asbestosis, lung cancer
(d) Iron - Siblerosis

) Organic dusts:

(a) Cane fibre, Bagassosis
(b) Cotton dust, Byssionosis
(c) Tobacco, Tobacosis
(d) Hay or grain dust, Farmer's lung

2. Disease due to physical agents:

(a) Heat, Heat hyperpyrexia, heat exhaustion, syncope, cramps, burns.
(b) Cold- Frost bite, Trench foot.
(c) Light- Occupational cataract.
(d) Pressure - Air embolism.
(e) Noise- Occupational deafness.
(f) Radiation - Cancer, leukemia, aplastic anaemia.
(g) Mechanical factors, Injuries, accidents.
(h) Electricity, Burns.

3. Chemicals:

• Acids, alkalies, pesticides.

4. Disease due to biologieal agents:

• Anthrax
• Actinomycosis
• Tetanus
• Encephalitis
• Fungal infections.

5. Occupational skin disorders:

• Dermatitis, eczema

6. Disease of psychological environment:

• Hypertension
• Peptic ulcer
• Industrial neurosis.

Patient Education and Health Maintenance

• Provide information about the importance of smoking cessation as well as methods of smoking cessation.

• Instruct patient about methods of health maintenance, such as adequate nutrition and exercise, so additional medical problems can be avoided.

• Advice patient that compensation may be obtained for impairment related to occupational lung disease through the Worker's Compensation Act.

• Provide information to healthy workers about prevention of occupational lung disease.

[ ] Enclose toxic substance to reduce their concentration in the air.

[ ] Employ engineering controls to reduce exposure.

[ ] Monitor air samples.

[ ] Ventilate the environment properly to reduce dust content of work atmosphere.

[ ] Use protective devices, such as face masks, respirators, hoods.


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