One Word Substitution For Death/Murder And For Profession/Research

One Word Substitution For Death/Murder:-


One Word Substitution Murder/Death
1) A solemn procession, especially for a funeral Cortege
2) A poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead Elegy
3) A phrase or form of words written in memory of a person who has died Epitaph
4) Killing of one’s son or daughter Filicide
5) Destruction or abortion of a fetus Foeticide
6) Killing of one’s brother or sister Fratricide
7) Killing of a large group of people Genocide
8) Killing of one person by another Homicide
9) Killing of infants Infanticide
10) Burial of a corpse in a grave or tomb Interment
11) Killing of one’s mother Matricide
12) A room or building in which dead bodies are kept Mortuary
13) A news article that reports the recent death of a person Obituary
14) Killing of a parent or other near relative Parricide
15) Killing of one’s father Patricide
16) An examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death Postmortem
17) Action of killing a king Regicide
18) Killing of one’s sister Sororicide
19) Act of intentionally causing one’s own death Suicide
20) Killing of one’s wife Uxoricide

List of One Word Substitutes For Profession/Research:-


One Word Substitution Profession/Research
1) The medieval forerunner of chemistry Alchemy
2) A person who presents a radio/television programme Anchor
3) One who studies the evolution of mankind Anthropologist
4) A person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft Astronaut
5) The scientific study of the physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification and economic importance of plants Botany
6) A person who draws or produces maps Cartographer
7) A person who writes beautiful writing Calligrapher
8) A person who composes the sequence of steps and moves for a performance of dance Choreographer
9) A person employed to drive a private or hired car Chauffeur
10) A person who introduces the performers or contestants in a variety show Compere
11) A keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection Curator
12) The branch of biology concerned with cyclical physiological phenomena Chronobiology
13) A secret or disguised way of writing Cypher
14) The study of statistics Demography
15) The use of the fingers and hands to communicate and convey ideas Dactylology
16) A person who sells and arranges cut flowers Florist
17) A line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor Genealogy
18) The therapeutic use of sunlight Heliotherapy
19) The art or practise of garden cultivation and management Horticulture
20) One who supervises in the examination hall Invigilator
21) The theory or philosophy of law Jurisprudence
22) A person who compiles dictionaries Lexicographer
23) The scientific study of the structure and diseases of teeth Odontology
24) One who presents a radio programme Radio Jockey
25) The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing Rhetoric
26) The branch of science concerned with the origin, structure and composition of rocks Petrology
27) One who studies the elections and trends in voting Psephologist
28) An artist who makes sculptures. Sculptor
29) The scientific study of the behaviour, structure, physiology, classification and distribution of animals Zoology


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